Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Saturday, December 16, 2017

hi Pywachit

Many thanks


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Over Reaching

Driving  home from work and listening to Loreena McKennitt’s  recording of “All Soul’s Night”.  A deep longing for a return to a simpler place and time comes over me. The same feeling I remember early on when I had just begun the path of a witch.

I remember hearing this song, and having a visceral and very palpable reaction to the music, the voice and the weaving of the lyrics. The simplicity of dancing around a fire, drums urging you on and the coolness of the night seemed as real as the van I was driving at the time.

I remember the newness of finding a spiritual path so beautiful in its nature and expanse of devotion. And, the simplicity of honoring the Gods and Goddesses in heartfelt song, movement and small tokens of devotional offering.

Flash forward to the present. I think on the many years that I have studied, trained and moved forward on this same path.  Tears well up in eyes that for too long have sought out the complexity of the path and extended far beyond the simple act of acceptance of its beauty at face value.

So, for tonight’s class, no fancy altar to make the lesson better understood. A single white candle lit in honor of our being fully and simply present to do the work of reaching out to the Divine.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Brighid’s Healing Sword

This poem was written in devotion to the Goddess Brighid and celebration of Her energies at the Turning of the Wheel- Imbolc.


Metal flashes and is plunged deep

into Fires from a forge

Of great darkness.                                                                          


Red flame and

Wisps of cauterized

Flesh that are carried

Upwards towards

Focused release.


Emerald green eyes

Open and healing

Tears drain from

A fire filled gaze that

Cuts clean through.


The Goddess has

Awakened and

Her sword deftly

And swiftly plunges

Through its mark.


All pain and suffering

Drain from wounds

That have festered

And sapped life

From blood’s purpose.


The mark of her cross etched

Into every cell, deepening

Into its very core.


Four points of light

Gathered together

As renewal begins.


Goddess’ arms

Open in flaming embrace

And the mind touch of

Inspiration heals and soothes

my transmuted form. 


All Hail to the precision of

Brighid’s Healing sword.


Please visit Witchvox for the companion article.  Blessings of Imbolc.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Solstice Article on WitchVox

The Light Within the Shadow of the Winter Solstice

For most of us the turning of the Greater Wheel to the Winter Solstice (Yule) is one of welcoming the return of the Light of renewal and strength, the promise of increasingly longer hours of daylight and anticipation of warmer weather and a more outer world focused time. This change is subtle in physical form as this is also when the cold of the Winter (Northern Hemisphere) will remain for a few months more prompting us to retreat indoors as the early arrival of evening’s darkness envelopes and calls us into the warmth and light of home.

To Read full article:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Samhain Night

May all have a Blessed Samhain as the potential for Transformation awaits at the Crossroads.


The Hounds nip at my heels
as I move through the dark
veil of Samhain Night.

I breathe deeply feeling the
pain of sharp teeth and hot
breath as grateful reprieve
comes as winged feet take flight
Soaring and carrying me upward.

Read more at WitchVox…

                                                       Samhain Night

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What Is It Worth?


As members of the Pagan Community- What is it worth to you to know that the wisdom teachings of the Past, the innovative Writings of the Present and the Informed Potential of the Future could be available for all to be inspired by?

As those who walk this Sacred Path of diversity, openness and a passion for preserving that which sustains and nurtures- What is it worth to you to support a project that will preserve the great teachings for those yet to come who will walk this same Path?

We are at a crossroads and the power to leave a legacy of learned resource to our future community is within our grasp. The New Alexandrian Library is a reality inthe making, but it takes a community to open its doors and insure its future.

How much is it worth to YOU to stand proudly knowing that your contribution made the difference?

To find out more about this project, how to donate and follow the progress of a Resource being built, go to: