Musings and Writings

Monday, September 28, 2009
The Seven Hermetic Principles: 5
1-2-3, 1-2-3
the metronome strikes out the beat
the perfection of rhythm
the movement of feet
Release and contraction
as above, so below
Measure upon measure
synchronicity and flow
the silent strings that are plucked
~ lips moving ~
sound with not a single word
the pause carefully paced between breath
the call of Will to action
that with physical ears is not heard
Crescendo and climax
inspiration and exhale
Limitless space at its birthing
Spirit of humanity extending
and moving beyond its SELF
to part the veil
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Wisdom of Rumi and My Daily Fix
The Lamps are different
But the Light is the same.
So many garish lamps in the dying brain’s lamp-show,
Forget about them.
Concentrate on the essence, concentrate on the Light.
In lucid bliss, calmly smoking off its own holy fire,
The Light streams towards you from all things,
All people, all possible permutations of good, evil, thought, passion.
The lamps are different,
but the Light is the same.
One matter, one energy, one Light, one Light-mind,
Endlessly emanating all things.
One turning and burning diamond,
One, one, one.
Ground yourself, strip yourself down,
To blind loving silence.
Stay there, until you see
You are gazing at the Light
With its own ageless eyes.
- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
(Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Seven Hermetic Principles: 4
Principal the Fourth: The Principle of Polarity
Each compelled to seek the other for completion
One containing the mirror divided, yet equal
opposite ~ yet united
discord and separation
Splintered cells which once held
the magnetic nature of wholeness
and graceful duets of shape, form and mass
moving in rhythm
guided as curious travelers
towards the destination of a harmonious Soul
This harmony exerts its cunning charms
and the similarities of Spirit contained within
each that calls itself One
magnify and extend reaching beyond its
true measure ~ forcing the issuance of
the scale's final decree
And what is the final discourse of this dual nature
in which all is bathed, purified and reborn
in the shadow of its own reflection ?
The final comfort taken in the vision of the
opposing quality held in the supple vise of
Universal Law
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Getting Back to Basics
When I was dancing one of the things I enjoyed doing the most was taking a basic level technique class that would allow me to concentrate and focus on doing the exercise smoothly, slowly and with more intent. Now, what is unusual about this is that I was a classically trained professional ballet dancer who had long graduated from the tedium of basic barre and centre practice. Allowing myself the space to return to that point of new beginnings and exertion of effort towards perfection and mastery was something more of a meditative practice that provided a new flood of joy in execution to emerge and a vaster reservoir of movement. It was an experience similar to watching snow flakes collect on a window. They are all of the same category and energy, but with closer inspection no two are alike. Spiritual practice is very much like that. Hidden within the complexities of variety are the simple truths and the basic paths that are the foundation upon which the final masterpiece is built.
We all have within the core of the spiritual practice we have built, the simple threads that allowed us access to those more complex ideas. And, with this complexity and “more experience” often come feelings of burn out- not having enough time- and general dissatisfaction in the progress we are making. This is when we most need to return to the simpler; yet often more focused and insightful tools we started out with. How would it feel for one week to go without reading a book of esoteric teachings? The one who reads the most books does not necessarily have the greatest experience of the mysteries. What would your meditation be like to simply “sit” in the presence of the Higher Self; without pre-conceived ideas, invocations and smells and bells to draw that energy nearer? This is perhaps the hardest act of simplicity; but also the one that requires the most “belief” that you will make that connection in whatever time, way and space is for your highest good. And what energy could be drawn from simply breathing mindfully and fully as you move throughout your day? Energy follows awareness and is within and without us always. Turning that awareness towards the simple (yet highly disciplined act) of True focus is part of the mastery of the adept.
One of the adages that goes hand and hand with mystical studies is that with more knowledge gained comes greater responsibility. I would like to add to that the thought that with more depth of understanding comes greater simplicity in endeavor.
Friday, September 11, 2009
A Prayer for the Day
find solace and peace in the outpouring
of memories created by their beloveds
May any who remain on the periphery
of moving towards their Higher Good
find the will to move from this tenuous realm of limbo
and rest for a time in the welcoming arms of Spirit
as they begin their sojourn of peace
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hanging in the Balance
constant state of
veil and light
straining towards the moment
of pause- rest-quiet
And, once achieved- the motion begins
newly birthed from the inertia
Breath and body moving
towards each extreme of being
one being agitated by the other
the urge towards balance
Ma'at's sillouette embracing
the shadow of moon
fulcrum of all things mastered
haze of blue fury
support and equilibrium
feather poised
tip delicately~ precariously balanced
harmony restored through the
anguish of chaos and uncertainty
and for this brief moment
illusion is suspended
in this body of
Monday, September 7, 2009
Projects Gallery Art Show
First Friday has come and gone,but there is still time to take in the current show "Fresh" at Projects Gallery ~ 629 N 2nd St in Philadelphia. The show runs through October 31st. Among the art work being shown is a piece entitled"Subtle Body" by my daughter Caitlin (Fennelly). Not a bad way to kick off your Senior Year at the Pennsylvania Academy for the Fine Arts. Enjoy! |
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tarot Class in October
A Study of the Tarot: Beginner
A continuation of Introduction to Tarot, this is an in depth
study of the Major and Minor Arcana. Practice
sessions for reading skill development will incorporate
intuitive exercises and provide the foundation for deeper
connection to the meanings of the cards.
Please bring a Rider-Waite tarot deck with you.
To Register: