Scintillating mind of reason and intellect
whose course is drawn from
the halls of libraries’ tomes.
Echoes of the One emanate down
into the hollow of conductivity.
The blueprint of electric charge and
inspiration’s whim creating the
alchemical tube to hold the elixir of
manifest form.
Teachings and truths spun together
and finally issued forth
flow on the currents of communication
and Hermes sets in stone the power
of mind and word.
The precision of the surgeon's scalpel has
Cut away the extraneous matter and
Sun’s grace has heated the water’s core
Love has poured honey to soothe the
Gaping wounds and bridge the chasm of
beating heart and labyrinth of mind.
Luna’s mirror has sent the message of
Return or receipt of ideology finely tuned and
in finality, the most pure form of clarity
seeps down to ocean’s edge
Granules of sandy time dense
with outpour from horizon’s great beyond
Scintillating Mind of Reason and Intellect
The seed of Thought receives the food of the Gods
And once again blooms anew.
To learn more about the sphere of Hod: