My eldest’s daughters birthday was this past Friday and as I thought about the meaning of this date I also reflected on the idea of time and growth.
I thought about how quickly these 23 years had passed, and the young woman she had become in what seemed like a moment in time. Memories and visions of her as an infant, child and teenager all converged into a rapid fire slideshow of seconds.
I thought about the time, energy, love and care that was offered towards helping her grow and flourish. And, how at certain points along the way these efforts are mirrored back to you. This process of giving birth, guiding, nurturing and watching the end product of that process come to fruition is true for all our manifest and creative efforts; whether they are children, ideas or emotions. I realized how this exact process had played out in so many others areas of my life. Projects, actions, ideas; all like small children needing guidance and direction. We give our creation form, enliven its energy with our actions. We carefully tend to its needs to ensure growth and worry and intercede at signs of distress, dis-ease or stagnation.
We become so intimately and resolutely attached to its very core with the goal of successful outcome the driving force. With time and determination what we have set forth becomes a living force of its own; infused by our personal offerings and shaped and molded by its dynamics.
What will you give birth to this week? What will you tend to, nurture and begin the steps towards growth within yourself?