Musings and Writings

Sunday, September 11, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: A Prayer for Humanity
May the hearts of those who remain heavy with grief, loneliness and despair be lifted by the gifts of those they loved and lost.
May each day contain a greater degree of comfort and peace in the knowledge that those who lost their lives on that day called into presence the joining together of all humanity in action, prayer and assistance.
May this day remain as testament and reminder of both the cruelty and the nobility we possess as humans.
And, may we always strive towards that place of extending a hand to another in need in recognition that their joy is our joy, their grief is our grief; and their hope is our hope that all of humanity may someday walk in the Light of their Higher Nature.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: School’s In Session
The air is becoming crisper with threads of winter’s cold woven through and all around us we see nature preparing for the Winter months that will soon be upon us. Leaves are changing color, the crops of Summer’s bounty are falling to the blades of the harvest and much of the natural world is returning to the earth for renewal and release.
For many, this is also the time of return to classrooms, education, regular work hours and longer nights spent cozy and warm indoors. And, although in the outer world the appearance is that of reaping, internally, there is a new planting and seeding going on simultaneously as we begin another season traditionally given over to learning.
Personally, I love this time of the year. In particular, the smells and sounds that abound are ripe with memories of picking out school supplies and a fresh start at learning new things and making the “grade”. So, as time and weather steadily move us indoors, why not consider making some time to plant some new seeds of thought. Now is the perfect time to begin the study of something that has held your interest. This new course can be as complex as signing up for an adult education or college class or as simple and self-driven as doing a little research, investing in a book written by an expert in that subject and finding a cozy chair, good reading light and plunge right in.
We should never stop learning. We should never cease to seek out new knowledge and new experiences. And, we should never underestimate the potential and capabilities we may have inadvertently left unrecognized and unexplored. For it within these paths that we often find just what we need for our own personal growth…
Happy Exploring…