Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Solstice Article on WitchVox

The Light Within the Shadow of the Winter Solstice

For most of us the turning of the Greater Wheel to the Winter Solstice (Yule) is one of welcoming the return of the Light of renewal and strength, the promise of increasingly longer hours of daylight and anticipation of warmer weather and a more outer world focused time. This change is subtle in physical form as this is also when the cold of the Winter (Northern Hemisphere) will remain for a few months more prompting us to retreat indoors as the early arrival of evening’s darkness envelopes and calls us into the warmth and light of home.

To Read full article:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Samhain Night

May all have a Blessed Samhain as the potential for Transformation awaits at the Crossroads.


The Hounds nip at my heels
as I move through the dark
veil of Samhain Night.

I breathe deeply feeling the
pain of sharp teeth and hot
breath as grateful reprieve
comes as winged feet take flight
Soaring and carrying me upward.

Read more at WitchVox…

                                                       Samhain Night

Thursday, October 4, 2012

What Is It Worth?


As members of the Pagan Community- What is it worth to you to know that the wisdom teachings of the Past, the innovative Writings of the Present and the Informed Potential of the Future could be available for all to be inspired by?

As those who walk this Sacred Path of diversity, openness and a passion for preserving that which sustains and nurtures- What is it worth to you to support a project that will preserve the great teachings for those yet to come who will walk this same Path?

We are at a crossroads and the power to leave a legacy of learned resource to our future community is within our grasp. The New Alexandrian Library is a reality inthe making, but it takes a community to open its doors and insure its future.

How much is it worth to YOU to stand proudly knowing that your contribution made the difference?

To find out more about this project, how to donate and follow the progress of a Resource being built, go to:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Crackling leaves are burning

transformed from life to death

The crow calls out relentlessly

to those unseen and

The Crone's outstretched hand

pulls me tightly to her breast


The air chills at her touch

Long icy fingers tapping out

the heart beat of life's pulse within

The solemn silence of darkness

The pause of silent breath

Power and strength drawn

from the sinewy strands of time


Quartered path of gravel and stone

Flesh and blood

Moonlight and stars

The wellspring of Earth

The light of the cosmos above


I tremble within Her embrace

Form giving way to the formless

Mind swirling within the waters of insight

Sight pierces the veil, the

Road cautiously chosen

Knowledge of the unknown becomes

the heat of my desire and

The quickening spark waiting in fertile darkness

pulls me towards rebirth into a place of Light.


The air is chilling and leaves are turning.  The smell of wood in fireplaces and the comfort of snuggling deeply into warm covers promises the call of late Fall and the rising of the Crone’s power as Samhain nears. Enjoy these beautiful Autumn days.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Harvest the Wild

We go where the wild things are
and the Lord of the Land
stands ready at the guard

The harvest is upon us and
all of life holds steady
bracing for the storms
that lay ahead

We go where the wild things are
and all of life lay within the
heart of He who Guards
as the fields become
barren and the crops
yield only the promise

May the blessings of this second harvest bring you to a place of the joy of gratitude and the bounty of that which has grown to full potential.  

Happy Mabon!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Day Within the Tree of Life: One Day Intensive


          August 18.2012


          The Peace Center of Delaware County

          Springfield, PA

Please join me for a day-long workshop exploring the Qabalistic Tree of Life

This intensive is an introduction to the Qabalah as used within the Western Mystery Tradition.  The Deeper meaning of the Qabalistic Tree of Life is a study that becomes a journey into the spiritual and mystical nature of ourselves, our world, and all that is of this Cosmos. Having its origins in the Jewish Mystical system of Kabbalah (The difference in spelling is generally the first clue as to which system is being used) the Western Mystery system of the Qabalah uses the energies, correspondences and analogies in the language of a magickal and occult expression.

The Day will conclude with a Ritual of the Spheres. 

To register and for more information:


Saturday, January 7, 2012

The First Moon’s Call

Moon rises high overhead

And light from HER hand

spills down like droplets

of soft rain.


Stars sparkle in the

velvet of HER night

cloak and darkness

beckons to be held

in HER embrace.


All of earth moves

in the rise and fall

of Her breath and

the great waters

are quickened under

Her watchful eye.


I sit in the silence

of moonlit night

and weep at the

profound beauty

of Luna’s rise.


For in this moment

of moonlight’s grace

SHE and I are one.


Monday heralds the first of the Full Moons of the calendar year 2012.  It is a full moon in Cancer- the Moon being the planetary ruler of this astrological sign. Cancer is also a Cardinal sign- meaning that it’s energies are that of beginnings or first outpourings so that something more concrete may be attained. So, opportunities abound for healing, strengthening and fine tuning your emotional SELF.

As I sit on my porch gazing up at the moon, now almost Full, the magnetic pull is palpable and I am reminded of the deep waters that are held within me and how they are reflections of the moon’s tides. I am called to review and assess what the energies of this New Year will bring and how I may more fully embrace my intuitive and compassionate nature.  My birthday is also just a few weeks away, so this time of the year always brings out a more reflective side of me.  And, the time feels ripe for gathering up and drawing inward what needs to be nurtured in the months ahead.

What calls to you as the fullness of the Moon takes hold? And, what areas of your being will you allow HER Light to pull to the surface for a closer look?

Blessings of Moon Light’s Magick!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I stand in the last hours

before transition to the New Year

Images and recollections of all that

this old year has brought

flash before me and I feel the

hope that these things bring.


I stand at the mid time as

midnight rings in the new

Images and aspirations

of dreams to accomplish

and goals to achieve

light up the  night

sky as stars twinkle high above.



I stand in the sunlight of

the first day of a new year

and anticipation courses through me

like an electric flash of brilliance.

New journeys- new opportunities

the old and the new in harmonious

blend as I chart a new course

for this year.

May you all have a joyous and blessed Year of 2012. If you’d like to read more please take a look at my article at WitchVox: Our Inner Resolve