Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Monday, March 9, 2009

Finding My Way

There are a few sites that I regularly return to for inspiration, insight and perspective. One of these is Katrina's Joy - webpage and posts by the founder of Reflections Mystery School, Katrina Messenger. I came across a posting of a sermon she had delivered in June of 2006 entitled: Four Archetypes of Spiritual Vocation. I am always looking for better and more effective ways of connecting with those I interact with and reading this article offered some seeds for thought regarding how I approach that work. She begins with a statement of what "Vocation" is...

"Vocation at its core is a divine summons." and continues in part with...
"We each bring with us into this weary world, a unique jewel to be discovered, polished and shared.
We each are like beautifully wrapped parcels that are just waiting to be opened. This gift, this jewel,
is our vocation. You see we each have a special role to play in the tending and blossoming of human life."

I believe that every day we are called by the Divine to do the work we inherently are embodied to do. Each breath we take, each action we embark upon and every interaction with another is an opportunity to step into this place of vocation. Albeit some are able to more clearly recognize and hear this call and are able and ready to act upon it. But, nonetheless, everyone has the potential for stepping into this place of living in union and harmony with their Divine nature and will. So, with all that being said- I found Katrina's message a wonderful wake up call to explore and perhaps identify a bit more clearly those gifts that have lain dormant and forgotten.

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