" As above , so below ~ As below, so above "
All is believed to exist within the structure of macrocosmic and microcosmic law. The mirror image and nature replicated multi-fold within all of life (inclusive of the Cosmos and great beyond). We see this principle strongly illustrated in the study of the Qabalistic Tree of Life and the knowledge that this system serves as a blueprint of the nature of the Universe and all contained within is multi-dimensional, existing on all planes of being simultaneously ad infinitum.
In its most simplistic form we have but to look around us at the life cycles of nature and how they mirror the human life cycles of growth- life- death and return to the source. On a grander scale, turning towards the movement, flow and energy of the planets, stars and manifest and formless energies within our solar systems, we can glean knowledge regarding our own planet's evolution, potential and possible course.
~the circuit of solar and lunar filtered through the discernment and alchemy of Venus~
~expression of the mental through paradigm and application of the revealing mirror of SELF~
~the reality of existence and the relationship of all beings to one another-
most potently in a state of stagnation, decay and illusion ~
~dissection and reforming to expanded levels of understanding
and broader connection to the master circuitry~
~ interface - interwoven - point of entry and veil of return ~
~ the Greater Eye open and what is revealed
blinds the possessor to that which
lay on the surface ~
~expression of the mental through paradigm and application of the revealing mirror of SELF~
~the reality of existence and the relationship of all beings to one another-
most potently in a state of stagnation, decay and illusion ~
~dissection and reforming to expanded levels of understanding
and broader connection to the master circuitry~
~ interface - interwoven - point of entry and veil of return ~
~ the Greater Eye open and what is revealed
blinds the possessor to that which
lay on the surface ~

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