Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: The Silent Moon

The Lady holds her mystery
in silent waiting orb.
The milky white lantern held
in space of velvet night.

Sun king gives way
as she weaves her veil
of star and ebb and flow

She speaks not a word;
Her call answered deep
within the heart that turns within.

The Silent Moon is calling
the rite of the Hermit has begun.

This week has held the energy of a powerful full moon, lunar eclipse and the coming of Winter Solstice. Throughout the week the moon remained large, bright and potent for what seemed a longer than usual time and the night extended endlessly in a silent pause of things taking hold, mysteries being revealed and the call to move into the space of inner silence overwhelmingly heard.

In our household, we celebrate Yule as well as the Spirit of Christmas as a time of sharing, homemade gifts, good food and everyone together. With five children, there have not been many holidays where retreating to silence and meditation have been easily accomplished. Yet, despite the noise and busy preparations, there is a different type of stillness I have felt. I have sat under the moon, stood mesmerized as the total eclipse filled the night sky and connected in a more deeply way this week than before. And, now as I sit and write, snow is falling- silently and steadily as though a dusting from Lady Moon's hand.

The lantern of the Hermit has been lit. And, I eagerly await this call of the silent moon. As the energy of the season begins to settle, each meditation and working will be another step on the Path to return to my inner knowing. The wisdom of the Hermit will Light the way and what lays dormant, will be nurtured and brought to fruition as the days become brighter and longer.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: The Promise

The Promise

Move slowly and
speak not a word
And we may catch
a glimpse of HIM yet.

The night is dark
but I have seen the
icy thread of HER cloak.
Crystal blue eyes and
hair black as the midnight sky
grace a face of pale beauty
poised on a body that is tall and lithe.
She has etched the night sky with
fingers long and fair painting starlight and
holding the breath of new dawn
in HER hands’ cupped embrace.
SHE has embraced the world
in the longest of nights.
HER Promise held deep within.

The forest is hushed and white with snow.
Ice crystals glisten round and all of life
patiently holds strong in stillness
and pause with anticipation of
newly born hope and renewal.

We watch and wait in silence.
The cold penetrating and deep
in its reminder that we are vibrant, alive, aware.
It is for us that this night returns as the
Wheel comes to rest in imbalance.
It is our yearning that calls us from our
warmth and comfort to offer up
adoration and honor to the Light that
sustains and answers with flame.

We watch and wait.
The time is almost near
and our hearts beat in excitement,
attuned to the cycles that are eternal.
Stillness hangs heavy .
Softly, softly…

Crimson lips gently part and
SHE breathes an exhale of gentle release
as sun light stretches from its inner sleep.
The fiery fingers of new child’s grasp
reaching out to experience, explore
and warm all within its reach.
The returning Light of the Solstice
cries out anew, its sounds inaudible
to all but those who have silently
waited in the darkness.

The Mother of Winter’s long cold night
has called forth Her Child as the world
awakens to the Promise of HIS return.

r.fennelly 12.2010

The promise I make to myself this Yule is to allow space for rest. To listen more deeply to the hearts of those I hold dear. To smile more; to hug more and to simply "be"; content - aware- and allow the Light of day to fill my cup of longing. Blessed Yule !

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: The Paradox of All Things

“All that is gold does not glitter,
not all those who wander are lost.
The old that is strong does not wither,
deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
a light from the shadows shall spring.
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
the crownless again shall be king.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien


Finding the hidden meaning.Revealing the truths that are just within reach. Acknowledging the importance of everything no matter how small and seemingly unimportant. Parting the veil and fully embracing the reality that surrounds me. This is my work.This is my quest and this is where I will find the most transformational lessons.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: “Please sir, may I have some more?”

As I moved through this past week, the famous line from Charles Dicken’s book, Oliver Twist, kept coming to mind- “Please sir,may I have some more?”

I am passionate about my spiritual pursuits.  I want to be everything, know everything, learn everything and then give it out freely and with as much passion as the path of pursuit. So for me, in thinking on this simple question, I see a wealth of lessons held within it.

Captured in these words is a deep yearning, a desire that is fueled by a need. A need to be full and satisfied from having taken in sustenance, nourishment. The pursuit of any spiritual work is fueled by the same desire and yearning.  It is a hunger that is only satisfied by that which is designed to nourish and sustain.

I believe that one of the most overlooked aspects in seeking out the food of Spirit is the request. Some are taught that the Divine will provide, but omit the part where it is okay to ask for what you want and need to nourish you. Some are taught that out of respect and faith, you would not ask Deity for what you desire. That it will be provided when you are ready.  The simple act of asking acknowledges that there is a space open, ready and available to receive. The act of asking gives voice and power behind the request. And, as in Oliver Twist, the stepping out of the comfort zone of just simply “making do” fires up the Will to receive more. And,when we are properly nourished we are healthy, productive and strong in all that we undertake. We think and act with clarity and embrace the word ready to do the work that we are called upon to achieve.

So, without reservation, I will ask for more.  I will reach out towards the Divine, the newly emptied bowl of being offered up and readied to be filled with the nourishment of the Gods.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Continuum: The Sphere of Kether

...Nothing and everything, the endless void fills all time

until…One moves in the silence, stretching and reaching

towards the other as Two swiftly take flight.

Read More From Lesson 12: The Sphere of Kether

A Year Within the Tree of Life

Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: Shakmah Winddrum-Embracing A Life of Spirit

Yesterday I learned of the passing of Shakmah Winddrum, a Master Teacher within the spiritual community and Director and Founder of the New Seed Sanctuary. She was the embodiment of “a Divine Being having a human experience”. To be in her presence was to feel the energy and wisdom of the ages surrounding you in such a way that a hunger and desire to live life to your fullest potential was stirred. She embraced life and The Great Work with fervor and dedication and her strength and courage served as a catalyst for any who were blessed to be in her presence and hear the words that were given.

I was not her student, but was privileged to attend several of her workshops and speak with her personally. Her energy and passion for the work that she dedicated every fiber of her being to flowed through her teachings and interactions. As with anything that one is greatly passionate about, there were certain standards that she expected if you were to walk this path of spirit and every action, word and intent along that path was held as sacred. If anything less was offered up, you experienced the wrath that can only be justifiably directed by one who knew that your potential was far greater than what you had shown.

Those who were her students have become bright lights within this world and the work that was begun together will forever live on through their dedication and teachings and those they in turn offer and teach that wisdom to. It is with sadness that we say good bye, but it is with joy that the memories and echoes of her teachings live on. And, it is with a grateful heart that I offer thanks to one who briefly but profoundly touched my spirit.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Hunger- Sagittarius


I stand on the horizon

senses keen to the

rhythm of life all around me.

I breathe in the world’s

offerings and send the

experience outward, always

looking towards the

sun and sky and that which

is said to be beyond my grasp.



To read more: Traveling Through the Stars

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: Full Moon Fever

The moon is Full in Taurus today and I am drawn to her call. Sitting outside in the crisp cool November air and staring up in awe at the beauty of moon and cloud and night sky I am reminded once again of the energy and power of this action. Although I try to get outside and under the presence of the moon's energies on each full moon, often this is not possible . Partly because of living in a very urban setting and partly because of other duties and responsibilities that pull me in other directions. So, my connection is generally inside in meditation and/or ritual.

But, on those evenings when I make it outside the connection, the celebration and the working of the lunar tides is held with a strength and burst of power and energy that indoor work pales in comparison to. And, so I sit in the full embrace of this moon's fixed and earthy energy and allow its luminescence to wash over and through me. I open to the velvety caress of Mother Sky's body wrapped over me and I open myself to the call of the lunar tides.

Make some time this week to sit in the beauty of the out doors. Welcome the warmth of Father Sun and cloak yourself in the mystery of Lady Moon. Rain, wind, snow, heat and fair weather are all of the Divine's making. Sit in her splendor and reclaim your place in nature. Blessings of a beautiful lunar night.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: The Path of Devotion

Thoughts about what Devotion means to me have been percolating all week. Being type- A personality and wanting to know, do and be everything-immediately, often makes me feel as though I am not doing enough at a personal level to express the Devotion and dedication I have for my chosen spiritual path. As I go through my journal type list of the ways I think I have supported that energy in the past, I am reminded also that it is the simple acts that often deliver the most payload. That Devotion doesn’t have to be elaborate and time consuming. It needs intent and consistency. And, most often it needs emotional participation and engagement. This last lesson I have often struggled with as my natural tendency is head, logic and rationale. So, from these musings came the ideas below, that perhaps will encourage your own personal expression of the Path of Devotion.

Setting up an Altar dedicated to a specific Deity is a beautiful way to display your dedication and devotion to that particular Deity. Acknowledging your Path and the work you have achieved on that Path as you sit in contemplative medication is an affirmation of your Devotion. Each time you spend a moment in thought about the magick that surrounds you, the marvel of your physical body and give thanks for those others who share your life generates the energetic pattern of Devotion. Just as the rose in the picture at the heading of this page shows, there are many chambers that are unfolding at any given moment. Some are hidden and others are there for all to see. But, all lead to the very center and heart of the flower. And it is by ever striving towards that center that we find the many ways that devotion forms and shapes our lives.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: The Way of Constancy

The beginning of the Universe

Is the Mother of all things.

Knowing the Mother, one also knows the sons.

Knowing the sons, yet remaining in touch with the Mother,

Brings freedom from fear of death.

Keep your mouth shut,

Guard the senses, And life is ever full.

Open your mouth,

Always be busy,

And life is beyond hope.

Seeing the small is insight;

Yielding to force is strength.

Using the outer light , return to insight,

And in this way be saved from harm.

This is learning constancy.

- Tao Te Ching -

What lesson will you learn from the Universe this week?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lesson of the Sphere: Chokmah

I sit in the reflection of HIS gaze,and rapture fills my being. The swirlings of cosmos and galaxy wind around me drawing my being into the vortex of formless unity. He looks upward and the light of a million stars pointedly glare back. Each flowing into its own rhythm of celestial course.

Musings on the Sphere of Chokmah

 Available at: A Year Within the Tree of Life

Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: Time to Nurture

My eldest’s daughters birthday was this past Friday and as I thought about the meaning of this date I also reflected on the idea of time and growth.

I thought about how quickly these 23 years had passed, and the young woman she had become in what seemed like a moment in time. Memories and visions of her as an infant, child and teenager all converged into a rapid fire slideshow of seconds.

I thought about the time, energy, love and care that was offered towards helping her grow and flourish.  And, how at certain points along the way these efforts are mirrored back to you. This process of giving birth, guiding, nurturing and watching the end product of that process come to fruition is true for all our manifest and creative efforts; whether they are children, ideas or emotions. I realized how this exact process had played out in so many others areas of my life. Projects, actions, ideas; all like small children needing guidance and direction. We give our creation form, enliven its energy with our actions. We carefully tend to its needs to ensure growth and worry and intercede  at signs of distress, dis-ease or stagnation.

We become so intimately and resolutely attached to its very core with the goal of successful outcome the driving force. With time and determination what we have set forth becomes a living force of its own; infused by our personal offerings and shaped and molded by its dynamics.

What will you give birth to this week? What will you tend to, nurture and begin the steps towards growth within yourself?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

You Think You Know ME? - Scorpio

You may think

That you know


But my masks

Are many

And I hide my

Secrets well.


My passions are

Intense and move

Through me

Flowing like hot lava

Despite my conservative

And cool exterior.


And those of you

Who think me cold

And unfeeling

Only see the mastery

Of my façade which

Protects the exposed

Soft belly beneath.


It is often in

The dark of night

That I find the

Greatest solace, but

If I linger too long

That place of comfort

Becomes the prison

From which I strain

And struggle to

Break free.


I  pause and breathe

Deeply to allow the realization

That these walls of

Confinement are My

Frightened emotion’s

Creation and the walls

crumble around me

as the light of Dawn

Filters through.


The sands of time

Shift and flow from

One tightly held container

To another.

The truth’s of my own

History’s stories are

Drawn up from the darkness

And into the blazing sun.

I examine them

And relearn the

Greater lessons contained

In each.


And, once mastered and reclaimed

As paths back to myself

My Spirit soars and all

See me as transformed.

The burden has been lifted

And I look once again

Towards the full

Light of Day.


No, you will never

Know all of my


Many lay hidden

Buried even to me,

But without their stories

To be lived

You would not be

Charmed and seduced by

My enigmatic charisma.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: The Tabula Rasa

I was recently listening to music to use for a piece of choreography and came across something called the Tabula Rasa by  Arvo Part.  Basically the music is a geometric structure of sound that repeats the same basic set of notes with minor variations and dynamics as the complete composition. The intriguing part is how the music winds around a central core of sameness.

Initially what attracted me to this piece of music was the title, “Tabula Rasa”. The term in Latin equates to the English "blank slate" (which refers to writing on a slate sheet in chalk) but comes from the Roman tabula or a  wax tablet, used for notes, which was blanked by heating the wax and then smoothing it to give a tabula rasa. I liked this idea of mind being molded by experience and the many permutations that it may take on, while still operating from a central core of knowledge.

I believe this principle to one that is a staple of spiritual progress. The idea that we go through (or better put- allow) our minds to periodically return to this state of the Tabula Rasa as we inch along the Path. And, by so doing new levels of thinking can be formed that are then integrated and woven into those that are firmly rooted. And, each of these periods when there is a pause, opening and influx of new information brings us to greater awareness of the process of mind, inspiration and creating something new from their union.

So, for this week:

May I be as the

Tabula Rasa

That the hand

of the Divine may

Write the words

of wisdom

Compose the

symphony of Life

And, paint the

new worlds

of the future.


Sample Music Clip

click on Tabula Rasa

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Magickal Self

The robe slips easily over my shoulders

and drapes my body in magick.

The amulet rests at the space of voice

just below my upturned head.

I balance all parts of  my self

and allow the mysteries

of true magick to flow.

I speak the name of power

and step through the Gates

of Destiny...

Now Available: Lesson 7

A Year and A Day on the Wiccan Path

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: The Alchemy of Re-Membering

I did a tarot reading last night that resulted in the cards clearly relaying the message of re-membering and  reassembling my present gifts to enhance the relationships I currently enjoy. Particularly the relationship I have with the various parts of my SELF.

This process is about the alchemy of strengthening existing relationships and creating new ones that offer opportunities for collaborative and creative sharing.  For most of us it is an easier task to attend to those relationships outside of ourselves. The hardest is facing and biding the space of dialogue between the various parts of our Inner Selves. Turning  within to re-member and reassemble those parts of self is the first act of collaborative self-relationship. When we claim our natural state of balance- the place where both our light and shadow natures intertwine and become as one source of strength, we begin the act of memory of our Divine potential. When we gather together those gifts of heart and mind and body and align them with our Soul’s purpose we begin the alchemy of reassembling what had been scattered and separated. As that inner relationship is tended and nurtured we can begin to expand and extend  the joy found in that process to infuse those outer relationships we hold so dear.

And, the positive energy that flows from a mutual exchange of life lived in totality brings with it the shared experience and sweetness of grace for all that was freely given and all that was gratefully received.

This week I will spend time reflecting on those parts of myself that have lain dormant and unloved. I will embrace them as my own and use them to build a stronger foundation upon which I may more generously give.

What will you re-member of your life?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: Your Soul’s Purpose

How will you claim your Soul’s purpose.  Will you awake each day and approach it as just another set of hours to move through?  Will you move through your day’s activities, numb and blind to those around you? Will you pause in your hurried pace and notice the single bloom of flower that peeks back from the crack in the cement of the sidewalk? Will you come to day’s end, tired and spent from yet another day where you were waiting for something exciting to happen?

What you are waiting  to happen already has. You have breath. You have life. You have potential and most of all you have opportunity to claim that which is already yours. The journey to revealing your Soul’s purpose begins with each waking breath and each night time’s  repose. It is all contained in the moments and hours spent between those times.

Be alive. Be fully present as you move through this and every week. Engage in each action in a purposeful way. Reveal the light that holds the Soul’s Higher Self for all to see. And watch in wonder and gratitude as the story of your Divine Self unfolds.

Blessings on a week of Intent….. Robin

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Lesson of the Sphere:Binah

The Great Mother

sighs and oceans

tremble and swell-

filled with her breath.

Read more at:

A Year Within The Tree of Life

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Weekly Reflection: Be Spontaneous

To be spontaneous is to act without ego and enlist our sense of creativity and imagination.

Walk in the rain.

Join in on Karaoke.

Choose a restaurant of different cultural foods.

Choose bubblegum over your regular brand

and test your childlike skill.


How often, as adults do we allow ourselves the joy of being spontaneous? Children naturally allow their interest and actions to flow in unrestrained creativity. For this week, I want to explore the inner child that is spontaneous, joyful and creative. I want to remember the sheer joy of losing myself within the notes of a beautiful piece of music. I want to respond rather than react. To step into the magickal flow of life that surrounds me and to allow it to take me to places long ago visited in the dreams of a child. Where will your spontaneity take you?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It Truly Is Beautiful ~ Libra

It is truly beautiful!

There is a certain

refinement and grace.


The craftsmanship is expertise

and one can tell that

great skill and thought

went into its creation.


You know they say

that the finest of gold

was used and each pan

was polished and leveled.

It’s inner workings were

calibrated to the most

exact measure.


As I think on it-

if, I pause too long

on either extreme

of matters the agility

of my mind usually

steps in to set

the course straight

and bring the

tangential stream

back to center point.


Although, if I linger

too long in the comfort

of my mental landscape

that brings its

own downpour

of disequilibrium.


Yes, it is beautiful

this state of affairs

and the rarest and

most refined of thought

is poised and balanced

on the luminescent

polished scales of mind’s

elegantly created


Saturday, September 18, 2010

What is Sacred Space?

The Experience of Sacred Space makes possible the “founding of the world”:

where the sacred Manifests itself in space,

the real unveils itself,

and the world comes into existence

… Mircea Eliade …


What is Sacred Space?

Read and re-read the quote above. Take it into your space of meditation. Analyze, dissect and observe it from all angles, perspectives and meaning. Try to feel the weight and breath of its meaning and allow the words to gently wash over you. Digest it and then simply sit with the feeling of satiety its inner essence provides. And, once you have done these things, redo them, one by one. Therein you will find the wholeness and gnosis of meaning that is contained within the sacred space you have so intensely and with such devotion created around those words.

Learn more at:  Lesson 6: A Year and A DAY on the Wiccan Path

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Call to Return

The air is becoming crisper with threads of winter’s cold woven through and all around us we see nature preparing for the Winter months that will soon be upon us. Leaves are changing color, the crops of Summer’s bounty are falling to the blades of the harvest and much of the natural world is returning to the earth for renewal and release.

For many, this is also the time of return to classrooms, education, regular work hours and longer nights spent cozy and warm indoors. And, although in the outer world the appearance is that of reaping, internally, there is a new planting and seeding going on simultaneously as we begin another season traditionally given over to learning. 

Personally, I  love this time of the year. In particular, the smells and sounds that abound are ripe with memories of picking out school supplies and a fresh start at learning new things and making the “grade”.  So, as time and weather steadily move us indoors, why not consider making some time to plant some new seeds of thought.  Now is the perfect time to begin the study of something that has held your interest. This new course can be as complex as signing up for an adult education or college class or as simple and self-driven as doing a little research, investing in a book written by an expert in that subject and finding a cozy chair, good reading light and plunge right in. 

We should never stop learning. We should never cease to seek out new knowledge and new experiences. And, we should never underestimate the potential and capabilities we may have inadvertently left unrecognized and unexplored. For it within these paths that we often find just what we need for our own personal growth…

Happy Exploring….

- rfennelly -

excerpted from Pen Notes   Issue 6    Esoteric Thymes

The Lesson of the Sphere: Da’At


What sound issues forth

from the place of the



It is neither the

timbre of sweet

angelic choir nor

the shrieks and howls of those

Souls lost in the



Want to read more? Check out Lesson  9 of the online course:

A Year Within the Tree of Life

Monday, August 23, 2010

Let Me Break it Down ~ Virgo


Describe to me again

in detail what it is

that you want me to do.


If you can give me

sufficient information

I can draw a

finely tuned conclusion.

But, if you omit the

fine points I will be

forced to search

until I have the information

I need.


I can be impetuous at times.

And, occasionally I appear to be

the neophyte who is thought

to not have nearly enough experience.


These are the qualities that

allow me to seek and unravel  the deepest

of mysteries. I see with the

eyes of  one who has not been

jaded and corrupted by

pre-conceived assumptions.


My attention to detail

is rivaled by none

and my organizational skills

are something that many

wish they could master.


I am shrewd and analytical

and will stand strong if

my analytical mind

is questioned.


Some may see me as

inert and caught up in the web

of over-analysis and detail.

Others would praise my

orderly and inquisitive nature.


So, next you have need

of one whose hand

moves with meticulous grace.

Seek me out, let me

break it down

for you...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Fire of Will: Leo

The light shines fully on my face

And I command attention.


Strong and proud

I will take charge

where it is needed

and fiercely protect

when challenged unfairly.


My fires and will are

constant and although

the spotlight shines


on my actions.

I often retreat to

the coolness of shadow

when wounded or feel



I am Leo

I am the King of the starry

heavens and beware

the flick of my tail in

exasperation or the

ferocity of my roar.

They are but warnings to

keep your distance

from those people and

things I nurture and protect.


I stand in rapture as

the flame of sun’s rays

ignites my varied passions.

Resolute will and determination

guide my unyielding course

as I move with power

and courage to claim

my place of leadership.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Come Walk With Me

Come walk with me and
share my grand adventure
Our steps will mark the way
for those who wish to follow.

Come sit with me and quench
your thirst with the beauty of
what surrounds us
Life in full glory as we take
our repose.

Come dance with me on
the shores of crystal blue waters.
The sun looking down in
benevolence as we embrace
the warming rays.

Come lay beside me as
time and dreamscape
claim their hold.
The land gives way and
miles of space lay ahead
beckoning new paths
to walk.

Come walk with me and
share my grand adventure
Our Light will mark the way
for those who wish to follow.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Time’s Contemplation: Full Moon in Capricorn

A reminder  to slow down and give some time to reflection at this potent Full Moon...
There is a time when

despite the business that surrounds

everything slows to a

centered serenity.


There is a time when the

faces of the deva and

the light of the fairy

peer back with

crystal clarity.


There is a time when

the constant meanderings

of streams of thought

finally come to the delta

of the vast sea of consciousness.


This time is not marked

by the jubilant rising

of the sun or

the quiet repose of day’s end.


It is not while the

heat and radiance of

solar majesty stands high

or the fullness of moon’s

milky orb fills the

night sky.


This time can not be

measured by the

ticking of pointed hands

or the flow of

sand’s grain as

it drops to the

cavernous belly of constraint.


There is a time that is

both within and outside

of our being

There is a pause of stillness

where singular existence

gives way to the bliss

of merge


There is a time when

all that is required

is to simply sit

to quietly listen

to effortlessly


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Traveling Through the Stars

Those They Hold Dear: Cancer

By the light of the moon
they move in the thousands
Each intent on its course
Each guided by ancient
instincts and the call of
the Mother to return home.....

To read more: Traveling Through the Stars

Monday, June 21, 2010

In Honor of the Solstice 6.21.2010

Each holds sway and hand of might
upon the year’s Great Wheel.
In each domain one shall be King
as wax and wane of Light
move within nature’s cyclic plan.

The Oak holds fast
to growing light
And Holly brings shadow near.
The time between held
in equinox Gate and season’s turn
tips finely calibrated scales.

Solstice Kings, though brothers, they
in battle determine solar fate.
The Light holds fast
The Oak marks time
flanked by strength
and sundial’s grace.

The Holly answers with response
a dance of calculated pace.
At sunset’s call, he strikes his final blow
as Oak in silent acquiescence bows
and bends to Summer Light’s repose.

His brother- triumphant Holly King
upon rooster’s call
shall next arise.
The waning of the year begins
with Oak King’s necessary demise.

For what lay sleeping within
the growing splendor of Holly’s
fertile embrace 
is the promise
of Light’s return
at the peak of Winter’s darkened and snowy face.

And, once again the two shall meet
Oak strengthened by slumber’s rest.
The end of darkness near;
the Holly King, his energy spent
shall relinquish crown as
Oak reigns renewed.

Monday, June 14, 2010

New On-Line Wicca Lesson

The Divine World  is now available

on a computer near you……

“Those that give us food nourish our mortal body only. Those that entertain and instruct us in things of the world

enchant our lower minds alone. But, those who awaken the eternal spark within us. 

To them love and devotion are ever due”

… excerpted from the Zohar

Check it out at :

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lesson of the Sphere: Tiphareth

You are the heat of the
blazing sun and the cool embers
of the blue flame that lay
concealed within.

Potency of magnetic cohesion
and polarity of electrical
discharge are held within
your vessel of mysteries.

I surrender to your down- pour
I tremble as your force expands
I am blinded by the gnosis
within your core
I willingly give my all to
be filled with the heat of
your luminosity.

Your strength supports each
cell of my fragile being.
I remember the mysteries of sacrifice
and my spirit moves within the
molten core of the many streams
your fiery essence reveals.

All hail to the redemption of
man’s feeble will that makes clear the
way as I open to the flaming star of golden
light and lay claim to the kingship
that becomes my mantle of grace.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Arc of Time: Gemini

Master of illusion

and Mistress of time.

I am the mirror reflection

of that which is reflected.

Mind and its gymnastics

of intellect move at

a speed envied by most.

I am the air that

moves in form

of aero-acrobatics.

Seemingly steady and

straight in course

and then, playing at the

antics of daredevil who

dives and peaks in response

to the next intriguing distraction.

Unwavering persistence is not

my natural state.

But, the flexibility of

persistent exploration down paths

of all manner of endeavor

is my greatest strength.

For between the pillars of my glyph

lay the secrets of manifestation.

And the inward arc of line at top and bottom

are the in pour of air’s inspiration

reaching as above, so below

towards the reflection



Thursday, April 29, 2010

All in the Perspective

Looking out at the world

faces fresh from winter’s hold

Bodies move in unison

all hurrying here and there

Each one’s destination more

important than the next.

From high above, the pattern

below shifting shape and form

A sea of tiny dark specks

moving to and fro- designs

like a kaleidoscope fill the

panoramic view and time

stands still as each weave

around and through neighbor’s gate.

Looking up from the great below

towering shapes stretch heavenward

Blade of grass becomes an ancient

tree of time immeasurable

Drop of rain stretches outward

as vast ocean spanning

concrete connecting grassy shore to shore

Sound of hustle and bustle

deafening in a thunderous vibration

Sky becomes a pin point of

destiny’s desire and all

around me the winds of movement

carry me from place to place.

I walk out from the safety of

my view of observation

Out, once again to join

in the pace and hurry of


I reclaim my place within the

breadth and depth of life’s experience.

But now, I have greater understanding

and deeper roots to what surrounds.

I see now all that observes and provides

unseen support as I look out

at the world.