Yesterday I learned of the passing of Shakmah Winddrum, a Master Teacher within the spiritual community and Director and Founder of the New Seed Sanctuary. She was the embodiment of “a Divine Being having a human experience”. To be in her presence was to feel the energy and wisdom of the ages surrounding you in such a way that a hunger and desire to live life to your fullest potential was stirred. She embraced life and The Great Work with fervor and dedication and her strength and courage served as a catalyst for any who were blessed to be in her presence and hear the words that were given.
I was not her student, but was privileged to attend several of her workshops and speak with her personally. Her energy and passion for the work that she dedicated every fiber of her being to flowed through her teachings and interactions. As with anything that one is greatly passionate about, there were certain standards that she expected if you were to walk this path of spirit and every action, word and intent along that path was held as sacred. If anything less was offered up, you experienced the wrath that can only be justifiably directed by one who knew that your potential was far greater than what you had shown.
Those who were her students have become bright lights within this world and the work that was begun together will forever live on through their dedication and teachings and those they in turn offer and teach that wisdom to. It is with sadness that we say good bye, but it is with joy that the memories and echoes of her teachings live on. And, it is with a grateful heart that I offer thanks to one who briefly but profoundly touched my spirit.
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