Musings and Writings

Sunday, September 11, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: A Prayer for Humanity
May the hearts of those who remain heavy with grief, loneliness and despair be lifted by the gifts of those they loved and lost.
May each day contain a greater degree of comfort and peace in the knowledge that those who lost their lives on that day called into presence the joining together of all humanity in action, prayer and assistance.
May this day remain as testament and reminder of both the cruelty and the nobility we possess as humans.
And, may we always strive towards that place of extending a hand to another in need in recognition that their joy is our joy, their grief is our grief; and their hope is our hope that all of humanity may someday walk in the Light of their Higher Nature.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: School’s In Session
The air is becoming crisper with threads of winter’s cold woven through and all around us we see nature preparing for the Winter months that will soon be upon us. Leaves are changing color, the crops of Summer’s bounty are falling to the blades of the harvest and much of the natural world is returning to the earth for renewal and release.
For many, this is also the time of return to classrooms, education, regular work hours and longer nights spent cozy and warm indoors. And, although in the outer world the appearance is that of reaping, internally, there is a new planting and seeding going on simultaneously as we begin another season traditionally given over to learning.
Personally, I love this time of the year. In particular, the smells and sounds that abound are ripe with memories of picking out school supplies and a fresh start at learning new things and making the “grade”. So, as time and weather steadily move us indoors, why not consider making some time to plant some new seeds of thought. Now is the perfect time to begin the study of something that has held your interest. This new course can be as complex as signing up for an adult education or college class or as simple and self-driven as doing a little research, investing in a book written by an expert in that subject and finding a cozy chair, good reading light and plunge right in.
We should never stop learning. We should never cease to seek out new knowledge and new experiences. And, we should never underestimate the potential and capabilities we may have inadvertently left unrecognized and unexplored. For it within these paths that we often find just what we need for our own personal growth…
Happy Exploring…
Monday, August 15, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Just Touch the Door Handle!
Something you will hear as common goal for any who walk a spiritual path is that of wanting to affect change. This change may take on the look of self-transformation, community action and advocacy, global consciousness, or any combination of these three or others. Often accompanying this desire, personal practice and learning evolves to support and better accommodate our wanting to see viable, visible and at times concretely tangible results of our efforts.
Affecting change can be as simple, yet as profound as turning awareness to the energetic imprint we leave on everything we touch, encounter, move pass or engage. If we consider how often in the course of a single day we open a door, hand over money for purchases, move past another individual or simply enter a room, the opportunity to affect change increases exponentially.
Have you ever been sitting in a public spot fully engrossed in reading, chatting or doing work? And, a stranger walks past. There is no eye contact, no word spoken no overt exchange of any kind that was cause you to notice; yet the serenity, intensity and positive nature of this person causes you to look up.
At that moment a portion of that person’s energy has just affected your own. Something they have cultivated (whether intentionally or organically) within themselves has spilled over into the way they carry themselves as they move through the world.
Now, imagine for a moment, bolstering and fueling that with the intent of being the catalyst for positive change. Enlivening each step you take with the intent of sending healing energy to the earth. Enlivening each interaction you have, whether with a stranger or loved one, with acknowledgement of the Divine spark they carry within. Enlivening everything you touch with a blessing for health, renewal, good outcome for any who subsequently reach out to take hold.
So, as you go through your spiritual practice, readings and exercises offer a portion of that intent towards sharing the gifts of energy, healing and good intent as you move through the mundane activities of your day. Be mindful of the subtle impact you have on others. Then, go ahead and just touch the door handle filled with this intent!
* Note: This writing was informed by a recent conversation had with a dear friend; who put it so succinctly- “Just Touch the Door Handle!”
Monday, July 25, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: The Truth
Each day we awaken to our worlds of sight, touch, and the sounds that clamor for our attention and response. Each day we strive to achieve and move forward and do so in such an utterly complicated and circuitous way that we return each evening tired and drained from our exertions. When, in Truth, the way is simple and the obstacles we face and disconnectedness we feel are of our own making. Slow down. Open yourself to moving through your day in a new and simpler way.
Seeing is the Truth when eyes grow blind and all that was hidden is seen in its true clarity.
Feeling is the Truth when every sinew, muscle and bone longs for the touch of that which is held in the memory of endless time.
Words are the truth when they are the sacred echoes carried on the winds of transformation.
And of all the truths we may hold as our own-
Love is the Truth that when given freely and unconditionally unifies all in its embrace. For in its simple truth lay the pure nature of what is the entirety and source of everything.
In all your actions return to a state of Loving deeply and fully- it is that simple.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: The Intelligence of the Heart
The music is held closely to my heart
It reverberates through
the passages and corridors of what lay within
The vibration pushes against
each door and the scared sound
once being heard
unlocks the most secret and secure of chambers
Notes of breathless beauty
flood in filling each space
with arpeggios of light
that dance delicately into
the furthest and darkest corners
Music fills my mind
the geometric visions unraveling and
opening the currents of flow
crystalline webs spun
each intent upon catching
within its center the cosmic
sustenance of the Soul
Each note hangs as though
suspended in mid-air-
the point within the field
of Divine Creation
Each note in harmony
with the other creating
the urge of impulse that
forms the threshold to the unknown
The door to the great unseen
flung open wide
as the key turns the lock ~
Sound, rhythm and vibration of
energetic seed in consummate union
with the the womb of sacred intelligence
Music and mortal embrace
resonance and harmonics
the essence of genetic and celestial being
and in the symphony of silence
Life becomes the progeny
of creative emanation ....
This poem was written last year during my daughter's concert with The Philadelphia Sinfonia Youth Orchestra. Music has always touched me in a deep and very profound way. Sitting, with eyes closed and allowing the flow of rhythm and vibration to wash over me served as transport into the realms of inner mind, feeling and urge. We are surrounded daily by music, yet most of us barely acknowledge or connect with the harmony or discord that is crafted by voice, vehicle, machine, nature or the simple beating of our heart.
The rhythmic beating of our hearts as we move through the activities and mental processes of our day is the symphony that guides us. A rapid beating signals that we are in a state of anticipation or excitement. The slow rhythmical beating of one who is at rest or in relaxed state, creates the endorphic state of joy. The pounding rhythm of a heart in the midst of exercise to maintain the body rivals the boldest of marches and affirms that we are vital, potent and very much alive. And, within this flood of emotion and action come the gems of reason; each stimulating a seed thought about the experience. Each calling forth a union of mind and heart in a way that spawns the great visions and creative efforts that withstand time.
picture credit: Joshua Bell from the movie- “Music of the Heart”
Saturday, July 16, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Through These Eyes
Inspired by a day at
The Wolf Sanctuary in Litiz, PA.
I have seen the beauty of winter, the turning of the leaves and the greening of the woods as summer takes its hold.
I have run with my family and moved silently through densely carpeted forest floor seeking my prey.
I have called to my young and heard the music of my clan echo through the woods.
I have hunted and fought to claim my territory.
I have found sanctuary in my new home from a world that is quickly diminishing mine.
And, as I look out at human faces eager to know more of my stories and wild nature I question which of us being held captive.
The Wolf Sanctuary serves as a rescue facility for wolves that have been displaced from their natural settings. In many cases this has been due to the desire of man to harness, and tame that which is wild. The sanctuary sits on 22 acres of land in PA Dutch country, and although this cannot replace the freedom that the wolves would experience in their natural homes it provides a place of safety and respect.
For more information: The Wolf Sanctuary: Home to the Speedwell Wolves
Monday, July 4, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Those We Love
These past months have brought the deaths of or grave illness to many of my friends’ loved ones. As I have watched each handle the challenges and grief that have come into their families, I am humbled by the courage, strength and grace with which they have met this inevitable part of the cycle of life.
I am also reminded that at some point in time, we all will face these same challenges and that the best we can do and hope for is to treasure the time we have with our friends and loved ones. Remember to find meaningful ways to express gratitude for those in your life. To keep them aware and always in the knowledge that they are loved. To regularly hold your friends and loved ones close to you and feel their life’s blood beating in a heart that is akin to your own. Remember to look into eyes that are filled with the love you radiate out and never forget the precious gift of loving and being loved in return.
May You Love and Live Well…
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Travel Through the Stars:The Hall of Cancer
As soon as you step through the archway and the luminous white glow of the Glyph of Cancer the smells of the ocean and its waters permeate your senses. The fullness of moonlight reflects back from water’s edge and there is a sense of stillness and anticipation as the waves gently crest and fall. You feel alive and connected to everything. Your senses are alive with sounds and sights that come in flashes of liquid and heart filled memory. Emotion wells up deep inside of you and the beauty and serenity of this place seems almost more than you can bear. You pause for a moment regaining your composure and take a deep full breath to calm the rising emotions…….
Read More About the Astrological Sign of Cancer and this Pathworking at:
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: The Small Joys of Spirit
We are told of the treasures that are to be found in stilling the mind and sitting simply and quietly in devotion to Deity. We are praised for selfless acts and move at times with the skill and precision of a surgeon in removing obstacles for those less fortunate than ourselves.
We offer up words of praise, comfort and inspiration and never skip a beat when speaking up for justice and equality. And, although these endeavors span far and wide they are still, nonetheless, only a fraction of measure of the joys we receive in kind from the Divine.
And, if you fill the space of your being with each of these “small” joys we eagerly offer to others in the name of God or Goddess, community or individual you will have built the bridge of foundation that connects to the very heart of the Divine. This bridge holds the expanse of heavenly gaze, the breadth of earth-filled beauty and the return to the joy of Spirit within that blazes brightly when fed by the gifts of service.
For it is within this flame of desire to serve and give that is contained the illumination of our greater gnosis quickened by the waters of transformation,
bolstered with the strength of perseverance and in the cumulative outpourings of a Spirit that has been nurtured by the lesser sum of its parts we return full circle to the small joys of Spirit.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Happy Father’s Day
To the men who have reached
out with a strong hand and an open
heart to help another on their way.
To the men who look out at the world in joy
and hope and share that vision of potential
with those around them. To those who
nurture that vision with a kind word and
a gentle hug.
To the men who have stood
in support of someone whose
voice had gone unheard.
To the men who have brought into
creation new ways of solving a
community’s problem, life-changing ideas
and been the inspiration for young men
and women just beginning the
journey of their life’s work.
To all those men who have
served as role model, mentor
and made a difference in the
life of their children or another’s-
Happy Father’s Day!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: The Pregnant Pause
There is a way between voice and presence
where information flows.
In disciplined silence it opens.
With wandering talk it closes.
~ Jelaluddin Rumi ~
We are a society of talkers. With the increased dynamics of technology, that talking state continues at multiple levels simultaneously. Texting while emailing, chatting while twittering and listening to a lecture while plugged into the latest music are the normal (and expected) ways of interacting. Despite the appearance of making this even more connected, we have lost the art of listening. Deep conversations held one to one, with the space and time for pause and reflection are now the rarity. Listening and observing the flow of the conversation, the facial expressions and the subtle nuances that an i-cam misses are honed skills that we seem to have lost touch with.
The greatest loss of all is that which is held in the space between conversing and listening; between word and silence. This is the space where creation takes place. Where what has been heard is mulled over, digested and stimulates creative response. It is this space of pregnant pause that holds the potential for birthing the deeper level of connection that we all so crave.
As we move through the week. take some time to connect with a fellow human being. Sit quietly and deeply listen to what is being said. Breathe, pause and wait to give a response that has been informed by the silence between. Give birth to a new way of interacting and see where this river of silence takes you.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day to those who have given birth to children, ideas, dreams, art, music and writing.
Happy Mother’s Day to those who have nurtured and prodded, encouraged and loved enough to bring out the best in another.
Happy Mother’s Day to those who have fought, cried out and stood in support of a cause or idea that would have fallen into the deep tombs apathy.
Happy Mother’s Day to those who have sacrificed and given their all when nothing was left to give to ensure the success of what they had given birth to.
Happy Mother’s Day to those who have boldly declared that no woman is barren and the fruits of her womb and the merit of her worth need not only be measured in physical life, but also in those seeds of inspiration and hope that enliven the aspirations of others.
Happy Mother’s Day top ALL women everywhere, for within each of you is the seed potential for creation!
Monday, May 2, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Liberation
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within is. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
From Marianne Williamson's book A Return to Love and was quoted by Nobel Prize–winner Nelson Mandela in his inaugural address.
I love this statement. The thought and action called for is so simple, yet most of us continually stand just at the brink of stepping into our own power. We wait to have our actions affirmed. We clamor for the degree or certificate or job that will announce our “arrival to success”. We eat less, exercise more and seek out the latest interventions to eradicate age, weight and appearance that in the eyes of others we think will diminish our beauty and strength. In reality, all have to do is look in the mirror of our souls to see the power that is ours; listen to the words of those who love us unconditionally or see how another’s face lights up when we offer a smile or extend a hand. When we embrace these things, as the quote above says … “as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
Monday, April 25, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Earth’s Blooming
The Earth is blooming!
Fields swell with
green, periwinkle and
buttercream buds.
All life has
awakened and
joins in Spring tide’s dance.
The growing sun’s heat
pours down like liquid gold
and streams of light extend
and bend to kiss dewy bed
of moss and herb.
The animals move
in anticipation of
summer’s coming
tides and grassy
meadow offers
up her slender blades
as hungry mouths
enjoy Flora’s feast.
All of Earth is blooming!
And this day I paused
just long enough
to join in
Spring Tide’s Dance
Inspired by a trip with my husband to Lancaster, PA. April 24.2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Traveling Through the Stars: Taurus
Welcome the energy of Taurus and Learn more about the Modalities in the on-line course: Traveling Through the Stars
Taurus: A Fiercely Beating Heart
Strength unmoved as dust swirls
around the stamping of hoof.
Fire rages in the heart and
coils of fevered breath move from
chamber of lung and throat,
weaving between air’s stagnant web….
An Offering for Earth Day: Flora’s Gait
The vultures circle high above
their wings syncopating
Flora’s rhythm of Life.
The space within this natural world
is fertile and green
And where carion’s death hides
no point of light can reveal….
Read More at my blog:
Keep our Mother in Your Heart every Day!
Monday, April 18, 2011
A Weekly Reflection:Milestones of Choice
There are many milestones that we take note of as we go through our lives. Births, deaths, puberty, adulthood, middle age and old age. Some we have no choice about their occurrence and others such as marriage, education, vocation, etc.. are those which we select, fine tune and choose as our goal or life’s work.
I was reminded of one of those milestones of choice yesterday as I stood in witness to an initiation within our Tradition of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. The young woman who was the soon to be a Third Degree* initiate entered the carefully prepared sacred space fully aware, fully present and eager to take up the work of the High Priestess and all that this would require. The 2-hour ritual represented the sum total of years of hard work, dedication, service and putting one’s free time towards the work of self growth to be more effective in the tasks that would come.
As I drove home, I thought back to my own Third Degree initiation 10 years ago when I too stood at that place of choosing. I thought back to the steps I also had taken, beginning with my dedication to Oak and Willow Coven and the ASW, that led me to a First Degree Initiation in 1998. I thought on all the work- both physically and spiritually, done up to this point; much of which has made me more human, more understanding and acutely aware of my actions and the interconnected nature of all life. And, in looking back at these various milestones that were self-selected it brought to mind the other self—selected milestones I had celebrated. Marriage, children, graduations and more flooded my thoughts and with each came a deeper sense of the crossroads and options that presented. I felt a sense of pride for those choices which had produced success and remembered the lessons learned from those that had failed. I realized that the greatest growth had come from creating many of those chosen highlights and although all were not always the final chapter of a particular goal, they propelled me forward, whether for positive or negative, in a way that would not have occurred had I sat idly by.
So, sit in reflection on some of those things you may not have realized to be milestones at the time, but definitely had impact on who and where you are now. Sit in excited anticipation and plan those milestones that will be the markers for your future experience. The important thing is to begin the process and enter it fully aware and fully present and eager to take up the work needed to create that turning point- a marker- a milestone that gives history to the work you have done as you’ve traveled the course of a lifetime.
* Within the ASW we have 5 degrees of Initiation. The First Degree is that of dedicating oneself to walking and connecting more fully with this specific spiritual Path. The Second Degree is that of refining and defining the Magickal Persona and deeper knowledge of oneself. The Third Degree designates the initiate as leadership/clergy or High Priest/Priestess. They serve as leadership and teachers within their covens and are responsible for providing the foundations upon which their membership may grow. They are upholders of the Tradition’s values and serve as example of the potential we all hold. Each initiatory experience builds upon the other and together the represent a considerable amount of work, effort and commitment to the Tradition and the larger pagan community. The Fourth and Fifth Degrees (Elder and Craft Father/Mother, respectively) relate to the continued growth of the Tradition, its support to the larger community and leadership guidance towards all the covens within the Tradition, rather than one specifically.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Lesson 13: A Year and A Day On the Wiccan Path
The Temple stands ready
and books of wisdom line the walls
Love fills this space
energy moves in rhythm
with breath and blood
The Gods surround
my Spirit rises in joyous embrace
The Great Work
now begun
The final installment in our Year and A Day Wicca online course. Enjoy! Check it out here:
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: An Apache Prayer
May the sun
bring you new energy by day.
May the moon
softly restore you by night.
May the rain
wash away your worries.
May the breeze
blow new strength into your being.
May you walk
gently through the world and know
its beauty all the days of your life.
As you move through your day, week, month and year let these words echo through you; connecting you to the energy of the natural world.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Daily Spiritual Work
I recently was looking through some older papers I had and came across these daily spiritual exercises that were offered by philosopher, scientist and educator, Rudolph Steiner(1861-1925). His works encompassed a variety of spiritual disciplines and his unique perspective on consciousness and the spiritual Path propelled him to the status of what would today be considered a highly effective motivational speaker.
These daily activities of focus are timeless (despite their dated language) in their use and adaptable to whatever positive spiritual path you may be following. I have added the planetary correlate for each of the specific days to serve as further support to the precept for that day. Those who are versed in astrology and knowledge of the planetary energies will easily see the connections. And, for those who are not this additional component can either be ignored or serve as a tool for researching what those specific energies.
SATURDAY: Right Thinking SATURN *
Be aware of your thoughts. Gradually learn to separate in your thoughts the essential from the nonessential, the eternal from the transitory, and truth from mere opinion. When listening to conversation, try to become inwardly still, renouncing all agreement and, more important, all negative judgments (criticism and rejection). Do this in both thought and feeling.
SUNDAY: Right Judgment SUN *
Decide on even the most insignificant issues only after full, well-founded deliberation and reflection. Abstain from doing anything that has no significant reason. Once we are convinced that a decision is correct, adhere to it with inner steadfastness. This is “right judgment” because it was made independently of attraction or aversion.
MONDAY: Right Word MOON *
Avoid the usual sort of conversation that involves jumbled, simultaneous cross-talk. Listen thoughtfully to every statement and answer. Consider every approach. Never speak without a reason. Prefer silence. Try not to talk too much or too little. Listen quietly and process what you hear.
TUESDAY: Right Deed MARS *
Our outer actions should not disturb others. When we are moved inwardly (by conscience) to act, carefully weight how best to employ the occasion for the good of the whole, and the happiness of others and the eternal. When you act from yourself and your own initiative, weigh the consequences of your actions in the most fundamental way.
WEDNESDAY: Right Standpoint MERCURY *
In ordering your life, live in harmony with nature and spirit. Do not get buried in the external knickknacks of life. Avoid all that brings restlessness and haste to your life. Be neither impetuous nor lazy. Consider life as a means of inner work and development and act accordingly.
Take care not to do anything beyond your power, but don’t leave anything undone that is within your ability. Pose goals that are connected with the highest of human responsibilities. In relation to these exercises, for example, try to develop yourself so that later---if not immediately—you may be better able to help and advise others. Let the preceding exercises become a habit!
FRIDAY: Right Memory VENUS *
Strive to learn as much as possible from life. Nothing happens that does not give us the opportunity to gather experiences that are useful for life. If you have done something incorrectly or incompletely, it becomes an opportunity to do it correctly or completely later on. When you see others act, observe them with the same end in mind (but not without love). Do nothing without looking at past experiences that may help in your decisions and your actions. If you are attentive, you can learn much from everyone. including small children.
* adapted from: Start Now! A Book of Soul and Spiritual Exercises, by Rudolph Steiner
Friday, March 25, 2011
Traveling Through the Stars: On-Line Course
“ It All Begins At the Exact Moment You Were Born”
Oak and Willow is pleased to announce the expansion of its Traveling Through the Stars project. As we move through the changing of the sun signs each month we'll also be learning about the fascinating world of astrology, how to read your natal chart and the tools that are used to reveal the cosmic you. As the individual Basics of Astrology links become available the stars and astrological glyphs will point the way. A special pathworking will be added to each of the signs as the year progresses through each to open the inner paths to your unique gifts.
Check it out at:
Monday, March 21, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: World Poetry Day 3.21.2011
In honor of “World Poetry Day” and the new beginnings of the Spring Equinox:
The sweet song of the birds
calls me from my winter's sleep
announcing that Spring has arrived.
I stretch and wipe the remnants of sleep
from slowly focusing eyes.
Sunlight streams though spider silk curtains of gauzy
lightness and a soft and gentle breeze
carries the scent of newly awakened earth
I stand from my soft bed of moss and greenery
the earth below my feet moist with fairy kissed dew
a leafy canopy of roof that shelters over head
filters early morning sunlight like shards
of the finest crystalline prism
All of nature surrounds me
The call to Spring heard
in the deep roots that
meander through
loamy earth.
I lift my face upwards
towards sun drenched sky
and breathe in the
essence of newness
Quickened life fills my being
and in harmony with
the eternal cycle
I am clothed
in the fabric
Gaia's Spring cloak
Monday, March 14, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Held in A Space Of Light
As I sit thinking on what to write this week, my thoughts and heart are turned towards the profound loss of life, home and income in wake of the earthquake and tsunami of Japan. The usual ramblings and concerns that I may have written of pale in the reflection of this catastrophe, and the many others that have occurred in recent times. The sorrow of all humanity for its own weighs heavy as reminder of our interconnectedness.
May Japan and her people be held in the Grace and Light of healing. May aid come swiftly and may the spirits of those whose lives have ended so abruptly be guided to their final rest and go forth shining into the Light of the Limitless All.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Building a House of Cards
With Spring almost upon us, and increasing demands on my time, organizing my thoughts has become a must do. This pressing need spills over into my meditation practice as well. And, as I become more deeply entrenched in the demands of mundane life I am going for quality not quantity of time spent in reflection, communion and interaction with my spiritual self. To support this state of being I like to identify a few core foci to work with continually, over the months. Usually, each builds upon the other, much like the waxing of the Light half of the Year.
As I looked through copies of readings or exercises that I thought would be excellent tools for meditative practice, I realized that the random books, magazines or web articles seemed cumbersome and something I would not return to frequently. And, more importantly each time I set off for my evening meditation, I did not want to spend most of the allotted time finding what had drawn my attention initially. Eureka! I could use my index cards!
I routinely use blank index cards to record notes to myself, make my to do lists and throw in my purse as reminders for family and personal events. I like the flexibility of this method and most of all appreciate the fact that they easily and lightly fit in a purse, bag or even within the pages of a book I am taking notes on.
Now, to most the connotation of “a house of cards” has always been a negative one, filled with the imagery of a structure easily blown apart, likely to fall and just not durable. However, there is much to be said for Intent and Will as being the mortar that holds the house together.
I write out (or copy, if lengthy) the information that I will use as my focus for the intended focus of multiple meditations. They are kept in a beautifully decorated box and as I prepare to sit for my meditation, I select and reread or refresh my intent with the appropriate card (s). It may seem like extra work or you may be thinking “why anyone would need a card as a reference point?”. The key, for me personally, is the additional engagement that I am offering up to my intention. Taking the time to plan out, write out or read through makes use of the physical senses that contribute towards a synthesized and fully present process. This manner of focus and direction pinpoints precisely where I wish to hold my consciousness as I begin my meditation.
And, the greater outcome is that these simple, yet deeply connecting actions form the structure, framework and foundation that I can use as I open to accommodate and hold the energy of the higher connection with the Divine. This is the House in which I find communion with my Higher Self. This is the House of Cards that will stand strong for eternity.
Monday, February 28, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: A Lifetime's Saving
I came across this quote as I was preparing a newsletter for the school district in which I work and was inspired by its many meanings. We are all teachers as we move through this human existence. Some are formally trained and dedicated to that career, others teach as an avocation and the greater majority unknowingly instruct, guide and set example as they go through their mundane activities.
If we think of each person we interact with as a student; one who is taking in the essence of how we carry ourselves, what we say, what our actions display, we become more mindful of what lessons and messages we are sending. Conversely, we ourselves are students within another’s daily interactions. We pick up clues, both subtle and overt to what lessons that individual or group is sending out.
As givers and receiver’s of the gifts, lessons and treasures of the interconnected nature of our existence, let us “bank” on the investment of a positive nature, make our withdraws on those things of inspirational and generously deposit into a lifetime savings of “interest” in mankind.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Destiny’s Rain
It is 7 a.m. and
darkness holds tightly
onto the morning sky.
Rain pounds down in
splutters and torrents
as thoughts bubble up
from the depths of mind.
I sit in the rain drenched
space of my car;
waiting for the light to lift
the hand of night.
The rain taps out the staccato
syncopation of a flamenco
dancer’s heels; passionate
and filled with Fire.
And, reverie on the duality
of night holding sway
in morning’s domain
brings me to a place of reflection
on my own internal nature.
The waters, the darkness
and the desire for light;
all facets of my own
nature. Cleansing of shadow
and fluid of sky and earth
holding back the light until
all has been saturated and
The rain slows for a moment
and the time is now at hand
to sink into the depths of those
waters and retrieve the gifts
of Goddess outpour.
I walk slowly, intent upon
receiving the bounty of
love and Grace.
I am bathed in the waters
of my own day’s destiny.
Monday, February 14, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Quotations for the Soul
“Is the intention pure, selfless, and born out of love? Is it based on truth? Does it result in peace? If so, it is a right action.”
..Sai Baba…
I often come across various quotations that stir me deeply and bring me back to a place of remembrance of what my Higher purpose is. These are not something I look for; but rather, they present themselves at just the appropriate time. This was posted on my daughter’s facebook, which I rarely look at. And, as soon as I read it, I knew this was my reminder to be more mindful of how I move through my day. To be more conscientious in my interactions and to pause before deciding, speaking or acting to allow for the space of observation to come forward. That briefest moment of reflection before charging ahead can reveal a different perspective, a deeper truth and possibly a different choice.
For me, these questions posed in this quote are the filters that should guide me to move from a place of love and greater understanding. To make each day an expression of integrity and to act in a way that is in alignment with my Soul’s work. What intention do you have? And, what filters will separate the true gold from that of the “fool”?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Simple Gifts
Each day provides its own gifts.
- Marcus Aurelius -
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Engaging Your Dreams
When we arrived I looked around at a sea of excited young faces. Each undaunted by their nervousness, stoked with the hunger to succeed and each striving to be one of the few selected for the rigors of this type of study. Although, none wanted to think about failure as an outcome, even if that thought bubbled to the surface it would be quickly replaced with the undefeatable notion that all youth have. The energy was not only palpable, but positively contagious. I sat, and watched and was carried back to the many years before when everything seemed just waiting at the precipice.
As I waited, I found myself reflecting on all the dreams and aspirations I have had. I thought about how some were held carefully and nurtured with time, intent and lots of hard work. And, about others that were as fleeting and ephemeral in bringing to manifestation as holding a perfectly shaped ball of ice in the palm of a warm hand. I wondered if I had, perhaps, approached each one with the unwavering excitement of youth, some would have had longer life.
I realized that these kids were completely and totally engaged in every step of this process. There was no question about if or whether the dream would occur. It was only a question of “how”. Even with the threat of rejection, they would still keep plugging away; holding tight to their dreams.
We grow up and what were once “dreams” take on the more grown up word of ‘goals’. And, true to form with the weight of this grown up word, before we know it our goals are fraught with obstacle, challenges and hurtles that seem insurmountable at times. Our dreams fade into the background and our goals drive our every move. We all need to have something that we can reach for. Something that makes us stretch and grow a little further. Something that we can completely and totally be engaged in. If we look back carefully at most of the successes in our life, they were fueled by some sort of dream; even if only a fleeting idea, largely gone unnoticed.
When we think of having dreams, there is a certain grace of freedom in that notion. There are no limitations to what those dreams may be. And, although some may not be achievable there is still the hope and inner landscape of fantasy where they can be brought to life. Dreams naturally engender enthusiasm, excitement and return us to a place of feeling utterly unstoppable.
Court your dreams as you would a lover. Nurture them and give them your attention. Fill them with your passion. Treat them with care and hold on tightly. Dreams are the first step towards creating what you want to bring into reality. They are the thoughts and visions that feed the desire to bring something great into fruition. They may not always come in the form you imagined, but they are the springboard for hope. And, hope is something we all feel is worth engaging in.
Dream On!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Reading Between the Lines
(The Affects of Subliminal Messages on Our Subconscious)
Impressed images fuse with frantic words galore
Lurking beneath the surface, these memories are stored
But there is no guard that we can see
Muck seeps and leaks from media and TV
Abrupt yearnings for things we don’t need
Unnatural feelings; lust, violence, greed
Flashing pictures and melodic tunes
Beware; our entire mind is not perfectly immune
We react poorly, swerving out of control
Into unwanted thoughts one is lulled
If only a filter was in our possession
In order to stop the foul art of subliminal domination
.. Jessica Fennelly …
This writing was an assignment my daughter, a Senior in High School, had for her Human Behaviors class. When I read this it struck a chord of resonance with the recent reflections on information overload and greed to make money at all costs. The use of subliminal messages is not a new technique and in its most useful form is companion to the learning process we have as infants. The subconscious mind is in the state of process and intake continually and forms the storehouse of images, experiences, etc… that await the appropriate threads of connecting information that bring them to the surface, or if not received, lay forever dormant.
Add to this process the feverish pitch of advertisers to sell their products. IF we take this magic pill we will be less depressed, have more vigor in the bedroom, feel no pain. The lists of cautionary disclaimer and side effects runs on and on; often worse than the ailment that is being helped- yet, people still buy into the promise. If we buy this phone, or that make-up – go on this cruise or drink this coffee- we will feel, look and be just like those beautiful people in the ads. Yet, we still buy in to the glamour, hype and need to be techno-savvy.
Maybe there is no correlation at all to what may lay “between the lines” in the mass media approach to buying and selling. Maybe the desire to be all the things we see displayed within these ads is the great motivator in our subconscious to buy first and ask questions later. This simple high school exercise will certainly make me give more thought and attention to what really is being said between the lines.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: Just One More Piece of Information
Some would consider me a Type A personality. Energetic, very driven; and, the many years of being a ballet dancer enabled me with discipline, dedication and the overriding of my own limitations to transcend that physical vehicle. It was with the same approach that I entered into motherhood; having 5 children (under the age of five at one point) and making sure that each received full doses of what I could provide in support of seeking out answers to the important questions. This approach has always been my modus operandi for pursuing my spiritual path, from the youngest age on. Sometimes I feel as though I was born with an encyclopedia in my hand, the desire to “know” has been so compelling. So, to that end, I have shelves of books, hoards of tapes on every and any subject relating to spiritual practice.
With the advent of a new year, a 55-year birthday looming just weeks away and having taken long hard looks this past year at how to simplify, modify and make better use of the resources around, I truly “get it”. Listening to the message of my instinctual self has led me away from the book learning I have so treasured. Taking selective days off from technology and queries has led me back to the stillness of inner query. And, sometimes holding back with offering that one last piece of information has been just what was needed by the intended recipient in coming to a conclusion of their own.
Most importantly, making a conscious choice to engage in experience, conversation and what could never be fully captured in the pages of a book or the usual informational sources, has taken me along currents that would have gone otherwise unnoticed, and these are often the ones most densely laden with gems of wisdom.
Happy Querying!
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Knot of Time and Tarot Key: Strength
Trust in the process, resolve is at hand
Rise above limitation and learn from your peers
Empower yourself with wisdom honed from your fears
Notice the strides that have been taken and make note of missteps
Gather to you all your courage and worry not about safety nets
The answers that you seek are those that you already know
Honor what you have created and stand in truth as the strength within you grows
Read More at:
The Esoteric Tymes
Tarot Tips and the Knot of Time Spread
Sunday, January 2, 2011
A Weekly Reflection: The Cost of Doing Business
We contrive and spin
our webs of manipulation.
Saying all the while
“It’s just the cost of doing business”
Have to hit the benchmark
Productivity must increase
Sales are down and
Advertising is at full Blitz
The consumer buys in to the pitch-
Another sale made
After all,
“It’s just the cost of doing business.”
As the words reverberate
on Wall street’s stately bricks
The homeless stand and wait
For sandwiches out dated
Pastries un-bought and
Passerby’s tossed off coins
The only consumption for
The hungry is what
Society’s consumers thoughtlessly discard.
The mantra on tip of tongue,
it must be fresh and clean
Trendy and unused,
And, of course,
It absolutely must be cutting edge.
Things not truly needed
And quickly upgraded
While most of humanity
Just barely survives.
Sales are down and
Corporate America bemoans
Its imaginary crisis of poor state
And the echoes reverberate
On filthy subway walls
as the homeless take up the cry
“It’s just the cost of doing business!”
As we move into a New Year...
Let’s use up our natural resources, as we help others who have less
Let’s discard those things which continue to separate and divide us
Let’s be avid consumers of the gifts of love, friendship and community
Let’s buy only what we need from ethical and fair vendors
Let’s be hoarders of every opportunity to brighten someone’s day
And, as our bank accounts of life’s experience and interactions
Grows, matures and is ready to be cashed in
Let’s count our blessings earned and share the wealth with the world.
Written at a Starbucks while observing…. 12.29.2010