Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Weekly Reflection: Just Touch the Door Handle!

Something you will hear as common goal for any who walk a spiritual path is that of wanting to affect change. This change may take on the look of self-transformation, community action and advocacy, global consciousness, or any combination of these three or others. Often accompanying this desire, personal practice and learning evolves to support and better accommodate our wanting to see viable, visible and at times concretely tangible results of our efforts.

Affecting change can be as simple, yet as profound as turning awareness to the energetic imprint we leave on everything we touch, encounter, move pass or engage. If we consider how often in the course of a single day we open a door, hand over money for purchases, move past another individual or simply enter a room, the opportunity to affect change increases exponentially.

Have you ever been sitting in a public spot fully engrossed in reading, chatting or doing work? And, a stranger walks past. There is no eye contact, no word spoken no overt exchange of any kind that was cause you to notice; yet the serenity, intensity and positive nature of this person causes you to look up.

At that moment a portion of that person’s energy has just affected your own. Something they have cultivated (whether intentionally or organically) within themselves has spilled over into the way they carry themselves as they move through the world.

Now, imagine for a moment, bolstering and fueling that with the intent of being the catalyst for positive change. Enlivening each step you take with the intent of sending healing energy to the earth. Enlivening each interaction you have, whether with a stranger or loved one, with acknowledgement of the Divine spark they carry within. Enlivening everything you touch with a blessing for health, renewal, good outcome for any who subsequently reach out to take hold.

So, as you go through your spiritual practice, readings and exercises offer a portion of that intent towards sharing the gifts of energy, healing and good intent as you move through the mundane activities of your day. Be mindful of the subtle impact you have on others. Then, go ahead and just touch the door handle filled with this intent!

* Note: This writing was informed by a recent conversation had with a dear friend; who put it so succinctly- “Just Touch the Door Handle!”

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