Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Friday, October 2, 2009

Are You Crazy?

Let me begin by saying that my life is full, rich and blessed by many opportunities, activities and people. Which, also means my days are full. I have a full time married life of 32-years, 5 children ages 16-21 (4 in local colleges so "needs" can be easily met and 1 still in High School), a full time job, teaching opportunities at a local adult evening school and full-time+ Spiritual vocation and practice. So when I agreed to teach ballet classes at UPENN for a ballet club- the first response from most I shared this with was – "are you crazy?"

Time is a funny thing. It seems that the more you pack into the day, despite the constant complaints of "not having enough time", space is made for those additional tasks- especially if it is something that you love or have an enthusiasm for. Ballet is one of those things for me. I was born a dancer and even during these many long years of not actively pursuing this venue, that is always my point of reference. Last night was my first class and it was both humbling and inspiring.

Walking into a room and being greeted by excited and beautiful faces eager to learn is the ideal scenario for any teacher. It is also a very humbling moment as well, because you know that you carry great influence and the results of their experience during that brief time you are within them will ripple out in unexpected ways as they move through their activities and interactions. Even in those moments when we do not overtly feel we are in a teaching capacity the energy and presence we carry with us throughout our daily interactions have that same quality of effect.

It is also awe inspiring to see what the capabilities of our marvelous bodies are; whether it be physical, as in the case of movement or mental as in the venue of academia. And always within both of these modalities is the emotional; sometimes expressed openly sometimes held very carefully within but always a strong current and driving force within us. Our interaction with the physical and mental worlds carries great potential for bringing us to a place of balance within ourselves. If the body is moving in accord with health, vitality and well being and the mind is being routinely stimulated and fed by a smorgasbord of views, outlooks and information other than our own we can more easily express our emotional self within the ever-changing and newly forming individual we are becoming.

So, the next time someone asks you to fill an already "too full" schedule with an additional responsibility, task or activity- take a moment to listen to your heart, to gauge the fires that this opportunity may fuel within you, to think on the joy and further reaches of impact you may have. And, if all of those things within you shout a resounding "yes" ~ time will work its magic and space will be made to fulfill those dreams and step into a positive place within this world…

"Where your journey begins and where your journey ends

are but cornerstones of the limitless potential

of the many paths taken between"...rcf

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