Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Look in the mirror
What do you see?
patterns of time
woven in every line
mastery of the ages
long since past
the entirety of the Universe
in the gentle eyes looking back

Look in the dark places
the Shadow of Self
cobwebs and delusion
time passing swiftly
the pace frantic and labored
demons trapped in dungeons dark haze
keys jingling, jangling the lament
of long forgotten peace

Look in the deep pools of moonlight
for the skillfully hidden dreams
the stories of splendor and glory
the grey veils of flashing inspiration
willed into creation by muse's fiery kiss
the descent into water's depth
heats the molten core
the well spring of hope eternal
and the Raven speaks the word in silence-

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