"What was hidden is now revealed" Heat of the Sun- Light of the flame eternal glows within Measure of time and stillness ascends The core opens and threshold beckons the seeker once more rebirth and silence reclaimed quickening of heat and outpour descends All is silent- all is held bound by container of Love most Divine Pour forth your radiance matter and Spirit entwined held in starry breath of Mother's darkest womb |
Musings and Writings

Monday, December 21, 2009
Solstice Eve
Friday, December 18, 2009
In the Place of Devotion
Disjointed murmurings whisper in my ears And fleeting images pass through and between my grid of gaze Boundaries are laid and structure takes hold As all that will come to the surface bubbbles up from seamless water's edge. The mind touch flows with inspiration And electricity surges from point to ground The murmurs become the rhythm of cog and wheel And sight gives way to mirrored vision blinded by the reflection of its Illuminated SELF |
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Still Waters and The Winds of Change
During my lunch break I was sitting in my car after a particularly heavy downpour of rain that morning. There were pools of water all around that had filled the indentation in pavement and lawn. The winds were blowing strongly and as I looked at one of the larger puddles I noticed how the ripples on its recently still surface moved first in one direction- than another- moving in response to the direction and thrust of the wind. Sometimes the surface seemed to shimmy like the hips of a belly dancer in palpable vibration and then ripples of line and form would fan out like fingers reaching for the edges. But, the most apparent thing of note was how, despite the ever changing movement on the surface- the reflection of what hovered above remained for the most part unchanged. The mirror image blurred at times, but through all the noticeable changes to the water's surface, the reflected image remained strong and clearly visible in intent. This set me to thinking about how this pattern and process also plays out in our Path of Spiritual Growth.. How we work to anchor our beings in the foundation of the manifest world and the strength of our beliefs and purpose. We work to carve out the cradle of space upon the landscapes of ourselves that will receive the downpour of the current of the Divine; yearning for that current to become the vehicle for the electrical impulse of transformation. We sit tirelessly in the practice of stillness to make those waters placid pools of reflection of our Higher Self. And, then , silently the breath of the Limitless moves across those waters. Sometimes with the gentle motion giving rise to to shimmering pockets of vibration. Sometimes with pressure and sweep causing waves of rippling current to fan out towards the infinite edges of our being. And, throughout the continuous pattern of stillness and movement the reflection of our Higher Self remains constant. What shifts is our response to this reflection- how flexible and pliant we become in the place of breath and space and integration of Selves. If we move within the breath of the All without resistance and become one with the source of those stirrings then the return to the place of still waters between becomes effortless, seamless- simply another way of being. Finally, when the winds and the downpour ceases the Sun moves to a place directly above these still waters affirming the transformation that has taken place.Ride the winds of change ~ rest in the belly of the still waters ~ become one with the downpour of Life around you and then stare deeply into the reflection of your own Divinity as it moves into it's natural place of illumination. |
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Seven Hermetic Principles: 7

The Principle of Gender
Remember the place of beginnings
Remember when the All was One
Solar flame and lunar tides
Contained within manifest core
Remember the great divide
Vibration of form and formless
Remember the volume of time
Friction stirring the belly of outpour
Waters blackened, womb and seed issue forth
Remember the softness of skin
The strength of sinewy limb
Remember the Great Mother and
The secrets her womb carries within
Remember the Father’s golden orb
His body re-membered by magick of Will
Remember the place of separation
And hold sacred the celestial bodies of Light
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Seven Hermetic Principles: 6

(Please take a look at posts in June- July and September for the first 5 Principles).
Principle the Sixth: The Principle of Cause and Effect
Pull against the tides
The glistening sand and shell is revealed
Open the heart in gratitude
And the crowd of humanity rushes in
Retreat into the hollow space of silence
And the echo of sound is unbearable
Speak loudly of the unspeakable truths
And the quiet guilt takes your breath away
Move with the dynamics of fiery will
And gates of iron tremble at your foot fall
Close your eyes to the disease of injustice
And chaos drives the chariot of destruction
Rip through the veil of bountiful limit
And the great tsunami of potency crashes down
Move into the heart and fullness of God
And She pulls you deeper into her embrace
Remain in the place of expanded stillness
And all of the inner workings of the cosmos
Become the sweet fulfillment of the Soul
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Remaining In A Place of Gratitude
Infinite mercy flows continually
But you're asleep and can't see it.
The sleeper's robe goes on drinking river water
While he frantically hunts mirages in dreams
And runs continually here and there shouting,
"There'll be water further on, I know!"
It's this false thinking that blocks him
From the path that leads to himself,
By always saying, "Further on!"
He's become estranged from "here":
Because of a false fantasy
He's driven from reality.
...Rumi ...
Let us drink from the waters of gratitude and be present in the space of appreciating what surrounds us. Open your eyes and take in all the lessons of both sorrow and joy and from a place of gratitude find the grace of mercy within your own being. Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Gnosis: A Continuation of Mirror of Self
Flow withdrawn and solitude submissive
Expression released and the muse
Settle near waiting to reach out
Towards the core.
Breath- and halt-
breath and completion
serenity fills the echo
and mastery wields the sword.
Discontent rides these merciless waves
Impatience rears its ugly head and
Gazes down in disdain
Only the light in your eyes
Promises of mysteries sought in vain.
I sink into the depths of that
Gaze and darkness feeds my hungry Soul
We are complete
We are one in the same
And it is within the depths of your being
That I find my place of knowing.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Mirror of Self
Step softly into my arms Feel the feathery brush of my kiss For you are my Beloved And I tremble within your embrace Our hearts beat strongly as one Our bodies no longer defined And I rest in the sweet breath of your exhale And gaze back into your loving face. Our union, in rapture complete Soul’s yearning finally at peace The Illuminated One, my beloved Mirror of SELF~ Divinity released. |
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wisdom of the New Moon
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Healer
over my pain wracked body
Compassion spills from every pore
of she who stands before me
gently holding my hand as she guides me towards a place of hope
I close my eyes for a moment of rest
And see her true spirit
Flow of light and healing
Staff of caduceus and rod of relief
A life dedicated to the care of others
Energy flows between us, connecting heart to heart
And recognition of common spirit and will to live
A gentle smile that says “I understand”
And my hand held in hers knowing the time is near
For although every illness may not be healed
Peace and surrender are always enlivened
by this Healer’s touch
And her gentle spirit guides me towards
Towards the end of this life’s journey
My place of ancestral home.
... For My Daughter...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
The Esoteric Tymes
If you would like to receive future issues, you may either visit my website to access the link to the current issue or request an email reminder as new issues become available. So, if you want to take a peak, please click on the link below:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
What do you see?
patterns of time
woven in every line
mastery of the ages
long since past
the entirety of the Universe
in the gentle eyes looking back
Look in the dark places
the Shadow of Self
cobwebs and delusion
time passing swiftly
the pace frantic and labored
demons trapped in dungeons dark haze
keys jingling, jangling the lament
of long forgotten peace
Look in the deep pools of moonlight
for the skillfully hidden dreams
the stories of splendor and glory
the grey veils of flashing inspiration
willed into creation by muse's fiery kiss
the descent into water's depth
heats the molten core
the well spring of hope eternal
and the Raven speaks the word in silence-
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
transformed from life to death
The crow calls out relentlessly
to those unseen and
The Crone's outstretched hand
pulls me tightly to her breast
The air chills at her touch
Long icy fingers tapping out
the heart beat of life's pulse within
The solemn silence of darkness
The pause of silent breath
Power and strength drawn
from the sinewy strands of time
Quartered path of gravel and stone
Flesh and blood
Moonlight and stars
The wellspring of Earth
The light of the cosmos above
I tremble within Her embrace
Form giving way to the formless
Mind swirling within the waters of insight
Sight pierces the veil, the
Road cautiously chosen
Knowledge of the unknown becomes
the heat of my desire and
The quickening spark waiting in fertile darkness
pulls me towards rebirth into a place of Light.
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Golden Thread
"come in and sit down.
For it is she of great worth
who wears the King's crown".
I looked at the wizened face
For answers that long I had sought
deep pools of star-filled eyes returned my gaze,
And told of mysteries carefully taught
Her countenance was hypnotic
And fingers deftly moved to and fro
Her body moving in rhythm
As the web from the spinning did grow.
Darkness turned to light
And time thus stood still
And the web of eternity
The whole of my vision did fill
The chair upon which I sat
A throne of gold did become
And the sound of the cosmos filled my ears
With crystalline cadent hum
A crown of seven stars rested gently upon my head
And all Life moved through me
Entwined as though a single thread
I saw through the eyes of one
quickened with new life
and felt the weight of knowledge gained
through wisdom and sight
The aeons passed on and
radiance of Spirit justly reigned
And the seed of all creation within
the eye of the web eternally remained
A gentle voice, words spoken soft and
I was drawn back from this sacred space
The wheels of time once again in gear
Eyes opened and gaze cast upon a radiant face
For you see…
The wise woman and I were one
Dual nature hidden within
The door opened, the answer received
and across the threshold we stepped
transformed into the Golden King
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Calling All Qabalists!

A Daily Walk Through the Tree of Life
Here is an exercise that may prove useful in keeping the Tree of Life close at hand on a daily basis. I like to overlay knowledge that I have and create and experiment with how those bits and pieces can be combined in a way that can be used as effective magickal practice and growth. In preparation for my tradition's (The Assembly for the Sacred Wheel) Climbing the Tree weekend I wanted to find a way to connect daily with a mini-walk experience. For seven days prior I devised a practice using the Planetary Days/Hours- the planetary correspondences of each of the spheres and an overlay of some information gathered from a Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki workshop (The Body of Light) using emersion and coloring of the astral body in a specific color to more fully connect with its energies. Now, given that all of these topics will not easily fit into a single document; in fact, decades of study would just barely reveal only a small portion of the most superficial of knowledge contained within any of these pursuits, I'll share the general correspondences and would encourage that you do some study on your own to pull the bits and pieces together before you start.
The Tree of Life is an all encompassing blueprint of mundane, spiritual and mystical form and the energies required to make manifest the cosmic principles which are the "stuff" of all our experiences through many lifetimes and points of the evolutionary process. When ascending on the Tree ; or the act of reaching towards the Higher Self, the un-manifest and pure state of being, the starting place is appropriately the sphere of Malkuth. As we move along the "paths" of the tree the energies received from the previous sphere and the energies to be accessed in the sphere ahead coalesce, blend, merge and serve as the guiding current in this upwards process. Each of the 10 spheres is given a set of correspondences to use as reference points and each resides in 4 worlds of experience concurrently and is expressed through designation of a different spectrum of color for each world. For purposes of simplicity the colors I have referenced are contained within the Briatic (Archangelic) world and are the most easily identified with in terms of making energetic connection and moving you upwards from a place of concrete reality into a Higher more refined realm. This is also the place of creative outpour, so by connecting with the vibrations of these specific colors the creative potential within each is set into motion.
The Ten Spheres, their planetary attributions and colors are:
Malkuth = Earth = A quartered sphere of black- yellow ochre-olive green and russet
Yesod = the Moon = purple
Hod = Mercury = Orange
Netzach = Venus = Green
Tiphareth = the Sun = Golden Yellow
Geburah = Mars = Red
Chesed = Jupiter = Blue
Binah = Saturn = Black
Chockmah = The Zodiac / Uranus = Gray
Kether =
A good resource for information: http://servantsofthelight.org/QBL/Index.html
The Planetary Days are attributed as follows. I've included statements that are reflective of that day's energies and they may be used as a point of focused overlay as you move through each of the spheres:
Monday = the Moon-
A day of emotions and accessing the deep intuitive states- "what do I feel about this sphere? What emotions are stirred and what is the deeper wisdom contained?"
Tuesday = Mars
A day of action, persistence and endeavors
"How can I apply the energies of this sphere to my daily experience? "
Wednesday= Mercury
A day of mental process, analysis and information
" What do I think about the energies of this sphere?"
Thursday = Jupiter
A day of expansion and taking in the bigger picture
" How can I expand upon what I feel, think and have experienced in each of the spheres?"
Friday = Venus
A day of moving from and being guided from a place of compassion and deep relationship
" How may I bring the energy of this sphere to encompass my interactions with others in a loving, compassionate way?
Saturday = Saturn
A day of organizing, synthesizing and putting all the important keynotes of the sphere's energies into a useable structure
"How can I draw together the components pf this sphere and put them into a pattern that will have effective structure?"
Sunday = the Sun
A day of strengthening, affirming and claiming those truths you have crafted into organized form
" How can I enhance and strengthen these lessons learned- drawing from the organized energies of each sphere?
The Planetary Hours are:
1st Hour/Sunrise always begins with the planet that is ruler of what the day is:
If it is Sunday the cycle would begin with the Sun or Tiphareth, than each subsequent planetary hour would move through the same order of planets, repeating and starting all over again with the sun at the 8th hour and so on…..
2nd Hour Venus
3rd Hour Mercury
4th Hour Moon
5th Hour Venus
6th Hour Saturn
7th Hour Mars
Using this same pattern of planets for each hour of the day and night until sunrise of the next morning. You then begin the cycle with the ruling planet of that day's energy (ie.) Monday = The Moon or 1st planetary hour - Venus the 2nd - Saturn the third- and so on through each of the planets, then repeating the cycle again when you have gone through all 7. The easiest way to get this information (although you can calculate by hand) is to use an online resource that has already done the calculations.
Planetary Day/Hour online calculators:
http://lunarium.co.uk/planetary.php (be sure to change the city for accurate info)
Free planetary Hours software for Windows
So, how would you put this complex system of overlay together?
Putting It All Together:
The starting place is always within the sphere of Malkuth, although depending on the day's energies you will move to a place on the tree that is not necessarily in order of ascent. This actually brings the experience to another level of understanding as you are passing through (although at a seeming transparent level) each of the preceding spheres and at some point in the day will make connection with all but the first two (Chokmah and Kether). Since we live in manifest reality in physical form and are surrounded by the physical plane at all times, our base point is always at Malkuth – the sphere of Earth- and that energy is always the grounding and anchoring force as we move upwards, so no specific day is needed for that sphere.
Likewise we do not actively move into the spheres of Chokmah (assigned the zodiac and/or the planet Uranus) or Kether (the Absolute) as these first two spheres represent the Unmanifest All (Kether) desirous of creation pouring its energies into the Cosmos(the Zodiac) of Chokmah and charging it with the electrical fires (Uranus) needed to catalyze that movement forward in a generative process.
This interaction serves as the necessary precursor towards emanation into manifestation and are ever existent within the finer realms of being (just as Malkuth is ever present in our physical plane of existence). They are the fundamental elements used by the sphere of Binah (Saturn and the final sphere using the planetary days/hours) as the waters of the Great Mother organizes this force of energy into a place of form and finally gives birth (emanates) this transfigured energy down and through the ever increasing levels of density until it reaches its densest manifest form in Malkuth. Thus, the Higher Self is always awaiting union with the Lower (or more manifest) just as the Physical being yearns and strives towards knowledge and reunion with its Higher State.
An interesting aspect to add if you have an inclination towards sacred geometry and sigils is to start each day with a small picture of the Tree that is simple in terms of no additional labeling, etc. As you start each day's mini walk, beginning in the sphere of Malkuth, draw a line connecting the first sphere for that particular day (remember that will change over the 7 days since each day begins with a different ruling planet and thus a different sphere). Continue to draw a connecting line from each sphere as you move to the next until you have gone through all seven for the day. Use a colored pencil or highlighter to retrace the pattern. Some very interesting sigil type geometry is revealed which could serve as mental triggers at a later time.
Getting Started:
If Monday is my Start Day:….. The moon rules Monday and is placed within the sphere of Yesod. Both, by no coincidence , relate to the emotions, the intuitive self and feelings - both perceived and hidden- real and illusory. The color is purple, so I envision myself bathed in purple/violet energy. This color also deals with the spiritual truths and intuitions that connect us with our higher Selves. I find the appropriate planetary hour of the Moon at some point during the course of the day to begin. If you are an early riser and wish to start at sunrise (the beginning of that planetary day's energy), great. If not, find a time that is comfortable to begin. If you are able to do these sequentially- hour after hour- moving through the trees spheres, that's great. If not, just make sure that you do move through the seven hours (or seven spheres) during the course of the day.
End Note: This exercise takes some planning and tweaking or fine –tuning for you to get the most from the experience. If going through seven spheres in one day seems overwhelming- perhaps start with just a single sphere of focus aligned with the planetary energy of whatever day you start. You may wish to simply use the color attributions and begin with those to draw on the energies before connecting them to a specific image or thought process around the spheres of the Tree. After all, the colors assigned the spheres do directly relate to the vibratory energy surrounding that sphere, so indirectly, you are also tapping into its energy.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Are You Crazy?
Time is a funny thing. It seems that the more you pack into the day, despite the constant complaints of "not having enough time", space is made for those additional tasks- especially if it is something that you love or have an enthusiasm for. Ballet is one of those things for me. I was born a dancer and even during these many long years of not actively pursuing this venue, that is always my point of reference. Last night was my first class and it was both humbling and inspiring.
Walking into a room and being greeted by excited and beautiful faces eager to learn is the ideal scenario for any teacher. It is also a very humbling moment as well, because you know that you carry great influence and the results of their experience during that brief time you are within them will ripple out in unexpected ways as they move through their activities and interactions. Even in those moments when we do not overtly feel we are in a teaching capacity the energy and presence we carry with us throughout our daily interactions have that same quality of effect.
It is also awe inspiring to see what the capabilities of our marvelous bodies are; whether it be physical, as in the case of movement or mental as in the venue of academia. And always within both of these modalities is the emotional; sometimes expressed openly sometimes held very carefully within but always a strong current and driving force within us. Our interaction with the physical and mental worlds carries great potential for bringing us to a place of balance within ourselves. If the body is moving in accord with health, vitality and well being and the mind is being routinely stimulated and fed by a smorgasbord of views, outlooks and information other than our own we can more easily express our emotional self within the ever-changing and newly forming individual we are becoming.
So, the next time someone asks you to fill an already "too full" schedule with an additional responsibility, task or activity- take a moment to listen to your heart, to gauge the fires that this opportunity may fuel within you, to think on the joy and further reaches of impact you may have. And, if all of those things within you shout a resounding "yes" ~ time will work its magic and space will be made to fulfill those dreams and step into a positive place within this world…
"Where your journey begins and where your journey ends
are but cornerstones of the limitless potential
of the many paths taken between"...rcf
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Seven Hermetic Principles: 5
1-2-3, 1-2-3
the metronome strikes out the beat
the perfection of rhythm
the movement of feet
Release and contraction
as above, so below
Measure upon measure
synchronicity and flow
the silent strings that are plucked
~ lips moving ~
sound with not a single word
the pause carefully paced between breath
the call of Will to action
that with physical ears is not heard
Crescendo and climax
inspiration and exhale
Limitless space at its birthing
Spirit of humanity extending
and moving beyond its SELF
to part the veil
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Wisdom of Rumi and My Daily Fix
The Lamps are different
But the Light is the same.
So many garish lamps in the dying brain’s lamp-show,
Forget about them.
Concentrate on the essence, concentrate on the Light.
In lucid bliss, calmly smoking off its own holy fire,
The Light streams towards you from all things,
All people, all possible permutations of good, evil, thought, passion.
The lamps are different,
but the Light is the same.
One matter, one energy, one Light, one Light-mind,
Endlessly emanating all things.
One turning and burning diamond,
One, one, one.
Ground yourself, strip yourself down,
To blind loving silence.
Stay there, until you see
You are gazing at the Light
With its own ageless eyes.
- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
(Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Seven Hermetic Principles: 4
Principal the Fourth: The Principle of Polarity
Each compelled to seek the other for completion
One containing the mirror divided, yet equal
opposite ~ yet united
discord and separation
Splintered cells which once held
the magnetic nature of wholeness
and graceful duets of shape, form and mass
moving in rhythm
guided as curious travelers
towards the destination of a harmonious Soul
This harmony exerts its cunning charms
and the similarities of Spirit contained within
each that calls itself One
magnify and extend reaching beyond its
true measure ~ forcing the issuance of
the scale's final decree
And what is the final discourse of this dual nature
in which all is bathed, purified and reborn
in the shadow of its own reflection ?
The final comfort taken in the vision of the
opposing quality held in the supple vise of
Universal Law
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Getting Back to Basics
When I was dancing one of the things I enjoyed doing the most was taking a basic level technique class that would allow me to concentrate and focus on doing the exercise smoothly, slowly and with more intent. Now, what is unusual about this is that I was a classically trained professional ballet dancer who had long graduated from the tedium of basic barre and centre practice. Allowing myself the space to return to that point of new beginnings and exertion of effort towards perfection and mastery was something more of a meditative practice that provided a new flood of joy in execution to emerge and a vaster reservoir of movement. It was an experience similar to watching snow flakes collect on a window. They are all of the same category and energy, but with closer inspection no two are alike. Spiritual practice is very much like that. Hidden within the complexities of variety are the simple truths and the basic paths that are the foundation upon which the final masterpiece is built.
We all have within the core of the spiritual practice we have built, the simple threads that allowed us access to those more complex ideas. And, with this complexity and “more experience” often come feelings of burn out- not having enough time- and general dissatisfaction in the progress we are making. This is when we most need to return to the simpler; yet often more focused and insightful tools we started out with. How would it feel for one week to go without reading a book of esoteric teachings? The one who reads the most books does not necessarily have the greatest experience of the mysteries. What would your meditation be like to simply “sit” in the presence of the Higher Self; without pre-conceived ideas, invocations and smells and bells to draw that energy nearer? This is perhaps the hardest act of simplicity; but also the one that requires the most “belief” that you will make that connection in whatever time, way and space is for your highest good. And what energy could be drawn from simply breathing mindfully and fully as you move throughout your day? Energy follows awareness and is within and without us always. Turning that awareness towards the simple (yet highly disciplined act) of True focus is part of the mastery of the adept.
One of the adages that goes hand and hand with mystical studies is that with more knowledge gained comes greater responsibility. I would like to add to that the thought that with more depth of understanding comes greater simplicity in endeavor.
Friday, September 11, 2009
A Prayer for the Day
find solace and peace in the outpouring
of memories created by their beloveds
May any who remain on the periphery
of moving towards their Higher Good
find the will to move from this tenuous realm of limbo
and rest for a time in the welcoming arms of Spirit
as they begin their sojourn of peace
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hanging in the Balance
constant state of
veil and light
straining towards the moment
of pause- rest-quiet
And, once achieved- the motion begins
newly birthed from the inertia
Breath and body moving
towards each extreme of being
one being agitated by the other
the urge towards balance
Ma'at's sillouette embracing
the shadow of moon
fulcrum of all things mastered
haze of blue fury
support and equilibrium
feather poised
tip delicately~ precariously balanced
harmony restored through the
anguish of chaos and uncertainty
and for this brief moment
illusion is suspended
in this body of
Monday, September 7, 2009
Projects Gallery Art Show
First Friday has come and gone,but there is still time to take in the current show "Fresh" at Projects Gallery ~ 629 N 2nd St in Philadelphia. The show runs through October 31st. Among the art work being shown is a piece entitled"Subtle Body" by my daughter Caitlin (Fennelly). Not a bad way to kick off your Senior Year at the Pennsylvania Academy for the Fine Arts. Enjoy! |
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tarot Class in October
A Study of the Tarot: Beginner
A continuation of Introduction to Tarot, this is an in depth
study of the Major and Minor Arcana. Practice
sessions for reading skill development will incorporate
intuitive exercises and provide the foundation for deeper
connection to the meanings of the cards.
Please bring a Rider-Waite tarot deck with you.
To Register: http://www.haverfordadultschool.org/
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A State of BEING
create movement from the rhythm of your beating heart
seek solace in the warm reflection of the Sun
follow the flow of healing waters
despite the peril of rock, stone
and deep darkened pools
seeming devoid of light
Reach outwards towards the expanse of potential
and pull all back within to be quickened
within the womb of expansion
And when you return to that still place of sitting and attention
become as the waters of the ocean
holding gently Life within
connecting to earth and sky
reflecting both Light and dark
in the eternal dance of ebb and flow
return and release
in the turbulent
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I stand naked before you
flesh ~ sinew and bone
raw and exposed
the very core of my being held together
tenuously by thought and mind~
quickened by the flames of will
I am humbled by the magnitude
of your expression
and swathed in the metamorphic
embrace of vision
All is revealed ~ bathed in clarity~
truths bubble to the surface
of reflective waters of yearning
and the Limitless shines
like a beacon from my
innermost Self
The silent words echo in
the cavernous depths
the fulcrum shifts
and the choice is made
I am born anew
unable to hide my truths and
once again vulnerable
standing naked
before you
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Seven Hermetic Principles:3
waves of form
shaken to the Core
stirred, quickened and stimulated
by the Cosmic touch
Grid of matter- interwoven and formed
by friction, movement- displacement
whose resonance gathers the discord of harmony
back into itself
The chord is struck and its echo
in frenzied activity darts here and there
reverberating in a cavernous chamber
nautilus-like paths guiding the
trajectory of motion
All appears silent and still of form
until microscopic probes of light and energy
reveal the seeming chaos of matter
each moving in concert with the other
creating the illusion of solidity and opaqueness of Light
The chord is struck again
and all play a game of musical chairs
each rushing hurriedly to claim a new
crevice, pocket or fold in the web of time~
re-creating the illusory mask of
a calm sea in a field of matter
pointing towards the horizon
of manifestation

Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Seven Hermetic Principles:2

~expression of the mental through paradigm and application of the revealing mirror of SELF~
~the reality of existence and the relationship of all beings to one another-
most potently in a state of stagnation, decay and illusion ~
~dissection and reforming to expanded levels of understanding
and broader connection to the master circuitry~
~ interface - interwoven - point of entry and veil of return ~
~ the Greater Eye open and what is revealed
blinds the possessor to that which
lay on the surface ~

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Seven Hermetic Principles:1
understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose
touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open."--The Kybalion.
The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows:
The Principle of Correspondence
The Principle of Vibration
The Principle of Polarity
The Principle of Rhythm
The Principle of Cause and Effect
The Principle of Gender
the cyclical nature of activity within the macrocosm as reflected
within the microcosm
the capacity to create and ultimately manifest the seed thoughts, ideas
and energetically enliven them to fruition
the pattern of Fibonacci and the quantum mechanics of chaos~order~stasis~
balance and finally return
layer upon layer~ the building blocks which give tenuous foundation
and anchor time in its linear and non-linear modalities
Movement~ density and the fine tunings of limitless nature
to contain and harness that which is formless
the sentry at the Gate whose impeccable verbosity claims the knowledge
of the Heirophant within~
process~analysis~testing~expansion~ awareness ~LIFE~
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Solstice Coronation
the crowning of the solar King
transformation complete and
day overshadows night in the
final minutes before reverse
The chariot rises high in the fiery blaze
of noon day sky and all life sighs
with the anticipation of summer's
final splendor
And with ease of transition and royal grace supreme
the Wheel turns once again
and the power of the sun Lord is revealed
in heat's warm embrace
And, I your humble servant hold
the eternal fire within
each turn of the wheel stokes the Light
the flame tipped rays reach outward
from the core of center and on the Throne
once more HE sits ~ HER beauty radiating
out for all to see
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Planets: Pluto's Rebirth
the merging of Light and Dark
balance restored in a never ending cycle
It is within your dark catacombs
that the greatest of treasures is found
the "secret" of life
immortality's grace bequeathed
to feed the hunger of a seeking soul
The sliver of dark abode
not yet fully illuminated and enlivened
by sun's warm embrace
and promises of rest and renewal as new
life seeks it's quickening
This far removed place of distance and time
where all must eventually gather and fall
eternity's puppets~strings pulled
to dance the spiral of Fate's own making
To lie in wait within
the womb of decay, desire and disuse
until the chord of resonance is struck
and all pattern and form are in concert
with the Universal music of the
Limitless Divine
The cycle complete and worlds yet unknown
just beyond the wormhole of time and vortex of space
momentum gathered and Sun shines
full on angelic face~
The Hermit's lantern ablaze with a super nova of
blinding Light and footfalls echo
on a crystalline Path
back to the throne of the
Phoenix reborn
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Planets: Neptune's Trident
waters of inspiration bejeweled
with flecks of sapphire and and gold
Guardian of tides and chalice of pure expression
Trident upturned - point flashing and sharp
impaling flesh and limb in
this illusory state of creation's making
A turn and downward three
droplets of manna of the Gods
from their shining gates
Deep in this place of shadow
and unrelenting pressure
a seed of light awaits birth~
translucent form awaits in this abode
and is drawn towards the surface
with each contraction of birth
White capped waves swell and rise
under the duress of stormy pressure
and electric strands of Light flash
through the watery veil creating pathways
of current and line
A catalytic urge of exertion and will
the final moment of king's crown
The Trident rises~
I hear the Mariner's call
and I am once again home
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Planets: I Feel the Body Electric
and the circle of Life spins eternal
electrical charge ad twin currents
move undulating in a polarity of attraction and repelling
Warp speed of mind, throbbing pulse of quicksilver's ascension
and flash of turbulent brilliance hovering indecisive in
the aim of it's course
the scales of balance swing as pendulums under the weight
of the downpour of liquid Will
the paths of the future lay beyond your moonlit doorway
awaiting those who rise to walk these gyroscopic trails
winged feet hover lightly above illuminated mind~
poised and primed to distribute the lightening bolts of quickened mind
The sacred seven swarm and gather in magnitude and intensity and in
response to the whisper of Divine breath all scatter and disperse
~ a shower of spark filled droplets~ descending downward~
seeding-stimulating and filling the levy of Spirit~
urging it's overflow~~
streaming into the gray landscapes of the deep
Friday, June 5, 2009
The Planets:The Gates of Saturn
without me all would dissipate into the ether
structure- order- boundary and container
are all creations of my domain
I have seen aeons pass and know each
of the secrets that have been carefully hidden from view
I am record keeper and guardian of destiny
and those who are not mindful of the depth of
my perception will remain forever on the wheel
I speak the sacred words~ the unutterable~
heard only by those who have remained constant
and vigilant throughout the tests of time~
I am held tightly within the womb of the Great Mother
and stand as witness at humanity's rebirth ~ the final mystery
is revealed and mind and heart shall be one
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Planets: The Tests of Jove
Cyclic agent that holds the rhythm of
Universal Law within its domain
Builder and bridge of ever growing and
changing faith and mighty giant in
whose energy all are pushed towards growth
The thundering rumble of your cosmic song echoes
and reverberates within the core of my being
the pulse and push of life ever moving outward
seeking that which is beyond the perceived confines
of my grasp
A moment in time where all is suspended in
A vast sea of potential and growth~ the horizon ever, and always
changing and moving just beyond ~
Forcing me to move further, deeper, more carefully into
the limitless temple of the mysteries
You are the seat of moderation, giving form the flexibility of outreach
You are the wheel of transformation between whose flaming spokes
The arrows of the archer seek safe passage
You are the Light and the ferocity of the proud lion within
my heavenly home~ protector~ regal lord who
surveys and keeps watchful eye
as I walk the Path of Spirit
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Planets: Quickening of Mars
Insight rises to the surface
The pointed and prodding finger of
action followed by the excision and debridement
executed with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel
~ It has begun ~
A suspension of time and space ~
caught between the harmony of adoration
and the satiety of expanse
A funnel- vortex- viscous black hole
from which we emerge victorious
having claimed the brilliance of light
~ or stuck in the quicksand and quagmire of
our desires and will
Shields blazing and creation quickening
the throbbing pulse of adrenaline
coursing through vein and artery
The echo of a wildly beating heart
summons the call to action
And all are acutely alert and aware
of the imminent change awaiting us at the threshold
Clash of Titan~ timbre of steel Will
dissection – destruction
unfathomable weight and heat~
One final blinding moment
~ And it is done ~
And, in the sobering hush of a silent re awakening
the dust clears and for those who have kept the foundation
of willing embrace close at hand
~ the realization of a single remaining
Bud of New Life that has remained unscathed ~
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Planets: The Beloved
blending and merging
into a sea of powder blue caress
Loving faces~ arms outstretched
the butterfly kiss of a child's soft lips
on rosy red cheeks
Soft, silky panels enfolding gently
like a lover's embrace
and vibrant color of passion and
scent of Sandalwood of soft skin of ecstasy
The heart yearns to unite with another
and the sweet intoxication
of a moonlight tryst
beckons and awaits the paramours
Kiss, caress, transcendence and
heartfelt love spilling forth
to all humanity~
magnet of attraction
desiring nothing but the Beloved
And who is the "Beloved"
It is the harmonizing energy that surrounds
it is what captures the spirit and
carries it aloft
poised on wings of breath
The Beloved we all yearn for
is the shimmering reflection of our
~ Higher Self ~
bathed in the light of Divine embrace
transformed in the Womb of the Mother
and revealed only when we surrender
to our longing
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Planets: Quicksilver of Mercury
messenger of time's verbosity
Inhale- take it all in
reform, rename- process
Exhale- breathe it out to the world in
torrents or gentle breeze
Gather all the pearls that lay strewn
unloosed from the thread of their silent networking
some of great worth-
others hollow forms - promises of emptiness
Emissaries of thought and mind
moving into the spotlight
or hiding in the corners and alleys of deceit
And when the perfect expression is called upon
the balance of scales weigh the measure
of safe guarding those seeds of thought within
or casting them upon the sea of humanity
swiftly-sharply- like fishermen's nets hungry to be filled
With pregnant pause of mind
those caught within the webbing of nets are freed
and returned back to their Source
either with the cadent blow of Death or
the compassion of release
Gather all in
Breathe a sigh of release
Exhale profoundly
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Planets: Lunar Veil
- milky white- veil of soft embrace
pools of wisdom and grace
illusions cunning mirror
knowledge of inner flood gates
filter and flow of celestial sight, and
velvet darkness parting the way
of expanse
bowing to your Path of Surrender
the veil parts
the portal opens
and ALL stand waiting
in anticipation of your
Sacred Kiss
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Planets: Heat of Sun
pointed ice of heat
beginnings and core of birth
millions of tiny seeds ~ moving ~
catalytic and combustible
moving towards and creating
a vortex of icy brilliance
to merge with this Source
to become one and yet distinct
within it's heat of fusion
the child is born
the crown descends and
life moves forward
~the sacrifice freely given once again~
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Waters Of ~ Mem
the waters within my body~ the blood flowing through my veins
the salt of sweat and tears~ gentle rainfall ~
evaporating drops that form clouds
the vastness of space~the primordial waters
ebb and flow~ presence of tide
pulsing of Life and liquid
carrying me home ... " rcf
One of the projects of our coven this year has been the further study of the Qabala- specifically, the Paths. Currently our focus includes study of the 23rd Path and the Hebrew letter Mem. Neither space nor time permit explanation of this topic, but perhaps the above writing may serve to stimulate interest in connecting with the transformative energy of the Tree of Life through study, meditation and experience; and of course, inspired writing.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
At the Time of the Full Moon
May I be a vessel of Love as time moves swiftly ahead
May I be a vessel of strength and serve to anchor and ground
And, may each step I take along the path be in service to the Higher Will of the Divine
At this time of the Wesak full moon of light and service may you rekindle your call to service, reconnect with your GodSelf and be a positive force in the ever-changing cycles of humanity.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Deepening the Work
"What has set me on this Path?Why am I choosing to do this work?" Neither of these questions has easy answers and the very nature of their query is one that should change and evolve in accord with the practice we are called to at any given time. But, there is also a certain clarity of purpose that reveals itself through answering the call to service.
If I look beyond the superficial answer, there is no one thing that pulled me in this spiritual direction versus another. I have always been a seeker and have taken many diverse roads; all respectively at some point interweaving with one another and then moving away from their centers of commonality creating new paths to be explored. The analogy of feeling a "coming home" having affirmed my steps along this path is both true and vague, for this is not a place I have ever left. From a greater perspective, I feel that the collective energies of humanity propel those who choose to listen to the wisdom of the quiet places of inner guidance and stir within a deep longing to contribute positively and effectively.
And, because of this longing, it is no longer a point of "why" I do this work. It is the natural outcome~ and is as organic as breathing. Once connected to this flow and breath of humanity and conscious thought and action, opportunities abound to integrate the practice you have established, the flowers or spiritual wisdom you have collected along the way and the ever-changing quality of service you may offer. The more intention and focus that is spent in deepening your personal connection to your God~Self and striving towards a place of balance and union between your human and Divine natures, the more clearly you can see along the Path.
So, in harmony with the energies of Beltane I am feeling the longing to consummate the union of these energies within myself. I am filled with yearning to quicken the twin flames of passion and quintessential LIFE and enliven the seeds of renewed dedication in walking my spiritual Path. May your life be blessed by the Spirit and longing of youth- vibrant with the Fires of Life- open to the expression of Love and ripe with potential for growth~