Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Awakening

Slow down and part the veil of illusion

Slow down and drink in the fullness of life

Slow down and listen to the measured beat of your heart

And, when you have mastered the ability to slow down

You will have taken the first step towards

Inner Awakening

Monday, February 23, 2009


"When we spend time reflecting on our life path, we awaken our inner wisdom and gain greater insight about the choices that are right for us. It is easy to become confused by the multitude of choices facing us each day, and we might resist the decision-making process for lack of understanding about what we truly want. If we can quiet our minds and reflect on the possibilities before us, we can connect more deeply with ourselves and know instinctively which choices are best for us. With our new sense of clarity, we are then able to move forward with confidence and optimism about the future. Simply quieting and calming your thoughts today will connect you more deeply with your inner self so that you can see your life in clearer focus."
... excerpted from Daily OM - Aquarius ...

How often have we been told that spending some quiet time with SELF is the best way to access the right action? Reading this today sent me down this well worn path of good intention. And, try as I might to remember to access this simple, yet quite profound, action Life gets in the way... "I" get in the way. So, perhaps the best strategy is to factor this into the LIFE equation. To move through my days and weeks in such a way that reflection, greater insight and work, play and love become intrinsically intertwined. That listening to and for that still small voice within, becomes just as habitual as that venti coffee in the morning to fuel my day. Perhaps by making a conscious decision to work collaboratively with my Higher SELF, the myriad of choices will blend into the one true PATH and the clarity I seek will simply need the opening of my eyes.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Earth Story, Sacred Story

"Blessed be you, mighty matter, irresistible march of evolution, reality ever new-born;
you who, by constantly shattering our mental categories, force us to go ever further
and further in our pursuit of the truth."...Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

"By all accounts we are living in a deep cultural trance, unaware of the widespread pathology that has deeply infected us. We have unleashed a vast devastation on the physical body of the Earth. Species are dying at an hourly rate, more than an acre of rain forest is destroyed each minute, and precious, absolutely irreplaceable topsoil is being washed into the sea, along with tons of pesticides everywhere in the world. .. We pretend that someone sometime will solve the problem for us."

The above is an excerpt from the Introduction page of Earth Story, Sacred Story by James Conlon. Although this book was written in 1994 and environmental awareness is more in the forefront, much of what is addressed in this book is still of supreme importance. Each chapter of the book concludes with a relevant topic for meditation and subsequent questions to ponder and motivate change.

Although this is repetitive and trite at best, if each of us took some small step towards committing to renewing, nurturing and caring for the planet and the life held therein, what monumental course of change could this lead to. We as a human species are driven by model and example, so what legacy of example are we creating. What model of sustainability are we setting and most importantly what degree of responsibility are we willing to assume towards an evolution of harmonious, healthful co-existence?

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Pause Between

As I sit in the space of Silence
Swirlings of thought and idea
Mind and heart intertwining

As I sit in the space of Silence
Pause of time- halting of breath

As I sit in the space of Silence
the sounds of the Universe flow
through my being

And, as I sit in the space of Silence
Mind and word collide
The first utterance gives birth

Once again - I sit in the space of

Listen to the Silent pause of the day... how will you choose to fill the space between?

Friday, February 13, 2009


Welcome to my blog page. I will be posting writings and things of interest that I come across and would like to share.
Blessings Bright...