Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Lesson of the Sphere: Hod

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Scintillating mind of reason and intellect

whose course is drawn from

the halls of libraries’ tomes.

Echoes of the One emanate down

into the hollow of conductivity.

The blueprint of electric charge and

inspiration’s whim creating the

alchemical tube to hold the elixir of

manifest form.

Teachings and truths spun together

and finally issued forth

flow on the currents of communication

and Hermes sets in stone the power

of mind and word.

The precision of the surgeon's scalpel has

Cut away the extraneous matter and

Sun’s grace has heated the water’s core

Love has poured honey to soothe the

Gaping wounds and bridge the chasm of

beating heart and labyrinth of mind.

Luna’s mirror has sent the message of

Return or receipt of ideology finely tuned and

in finality, the most pure form of clarity

seeps down to ocean’s edge

Granules of sandy time dense

with outpour from horizon’s great beyond

Scintillating Mind of Reason and Intellect

The seed of Thought receives the food of the Gods

And once again blooms anew.

To learn more about the sphere of Hod:

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Abode of Truth

In celebration of the Full Moon in Libra and the burgeoning beauty, harmony and quiescent state of intellect and mind that moves within the light of Luna's fullness:

Says Hermes upon leaving his altered consciousness..and I was exceedingly glad, for it was full with that for which I craved. My bodily sleep had come to sober wakefulness of soul; and the closing of my eyes, true vision; and the silence, pregnant with good; and my barrenness of speech, a brood of holy thoughts. Becoming God-inspired, I attained the abode of Truth.”

(Adapted from Libellis I: The Poimandres of Hermes Trismegistus, translated by Walter Scott in Hermetica Volume I.)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Birth Rite: Aries

Seed of New Beginnings

time of sweet release

Breath of untainted newness

Tiny embers strewn beneath soft

blanket of newborn's down.


Fingers dipping excitedly- eagerly in

all that can be found

Anticipation of new discoveries and

child-like innocence fuels the

thirst and inquisitive nature

of one who seeks a place

at the table of life's experience.


All turn towards the promise

of life restored anew

And the quaternary of balance

infused with Luna's light opens

the causeway after the challenge

of being is sealed.

All hold pause and heed the warning

of youth's impetuous step

The fool, signaling the issuance of

travesty or achievement.


And, in the space of quiet calm

Between the contractions of labored new birth

The Universe holds vigil

As star and planet follow

Evolution's plan~ held in the rapture

Of consummate union


Sparks of will come bursting forth and

sphere of cobalt radiance crowns slowly

Mother Universe suckles youth at her breast

as Father Time waits patiently

The Celestial wheel moves once again within

the primordial womb


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

An Important Lunch Time Need

This morning I felt the need to be outside at lunch. This had nothing to do with the beautiful sunny weather. Instead, it was a deep yearning to hear and feel what I sensed needed my time and attention.

I work in an office, sitting at the computer for most of my work day. Although we have a window that looks out to a tree-lined neighborhood there is nothing natural about this environment. So, at lunch I walked to my favorite space that is nestled within a bustling suburban community. As I sat quietly on the porch of the historic colonial home that was once farmland .I felt my body relax and allowed my mind to open to receiving whatever wished to present itself.

Streams of energy came pouring in related to recent studies of alchemy, qabalah, tarot, astrology and more. Esoteric writings- ownership of my spiritual and mundane practices and the many paths I have taken all came flooding in.

As I sat quietly allowing these things to move in and through me, all seemed to come to a point or place of convergence. I was aware that my physical self, acting as a receptacle was held within the support and greater container of the space of nature around me. The thought and feelings of inter-connectedness resonated somewhere deep within me and my physical self, subtle bodies, physical space and nature’s subtle bodies flowed together, each feeding and taking spiritual nourishment from the other. I don’t know how long I sat in this way because at that point time seemed to pause and there was nothing but combined energy, seamlessly and effortlessly moving. As the feeling subsided there was at once greater clarity and more detail in what I was looking at.

There are a few hawks that inhabit the physical place in which I sat. And as I looked out I saw a hawk hovering just above, circling the trees and casting shadow on the porch where I was sitting. HE passed several times and then moved on. I am reminded of Hors and the alchemy of transformation and the lesson of union with the Divine nature. The aspiration of humanity to become part of the fabric and webbing of the unified whole at all levels of existence. The ability to soar high above and still see with clarity and depth the tiny details beneath.

In a place of gratitude I am thankful that I answered the call to be held within the space of the natural world. I am thankful for the reminder that connection begins with sitting quietly and being open to what may be received- without the exerted will of preconceived expectation. As I got up to return to work, I was humbled by the beauty, strength and splendor of this place that offered deep wisdom. I will carry this wisdom with me as I go through my day and pause more often to see this energy that surrounds us as the catalyst for stirring and awakening an inner sense of connection and continuum. Continuum, that provides a place of anchor- the physical and manifest Earth- from which we too, as the Heru Hawk may soar towards our birthright of oneness with the Cosmos.

Where will you find yourself when the “need” arises?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Drawing Down

When you look in the mirror, what do you see?

Illusion and reality dancing the waltz of time

Each one is the same, yet separate flowing from the Source of all beginnings

Brilliance of Sun and Magick of Luna’s Breath

Reflection of motion and eclipse of focus

Drawing down into manifest being ~ Drawing down into the Soul….. rcf

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Lesson of the Sphere


Milky whiteness

Luminescence sparkles through veils

Of dreamtime

Images, shape and form bourne

on gossamer wings of faery flight

And angels beckon from heavenly

clouds of billowy breath

Mirror reflects back the beauty of mortal’s soul

And yearning feeds the hunger of

unfulfilled desires and needs

Behind the mask of eternity the

phantom smiles a gaping grin

And spidery fingers tap out

the rhythm of carnival’s retreat

Memories flood the pages of

dusty shelf-worn books

While the drone of life story’s

narrative hums and buzzes around

the hornet’s nest ~ each stinging

more precisely ~ each leaving an indelible

mark as the honey sweetly drips from

the catacombs of Queen Bee’s grand design.

Within the sphere of mystery

the moon glows ever bright

And eyes that have no use

for human sight peer

deeply into the cavernous dark

Moving carefully through the

storehouse of illusion

But once the vault is opened

and inspiration comes shard-like

slicing through

the test has been mastered

The seeker- now illumined

moves boldly and sure footed

The mind is set free

and heart waits patiently


the reflection of

the closed door