Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A State of BEING

Listen to the wisdom enfolded in the silence
create movement from the rhythm of your beating heart
seek solace in the warm reflection of the Sun
follow the flow of healing waters
despite the peril of rock, stone
and deep darkened pools
seeming devoid of light

Reach outwards towards the expanse of potential
and pull all back within to be quickened
within the womb of expansion

And when you return to that still place of sitting and attention
become as the waters of the ocean
holding gently Life within
connecting to earth and sky
reflecting both Light and dark
in the eternal dance of ebb and flow
return and release
in the turbulent

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I cannot hide my truth
I stand naked before you
flesh ~ sinew and bone
raw and exposed
the very core of my being held together
tenuously by thought and mind~
quickened by the flames of will

I am humbled by the magnitude
of your expression
and swathed in the metamorphic
embrace of vision

All is revealed ~ bathed in clarity~
truths bubble to the surface
of reflective waters of yearning
and the Limitless shines
like a beacon from my
innermost Self

The silent words echo in
the cavernous depths
the fulcrum shifts
and the choice is made

I am born anew
unable to hide my truths and
once again vulnerable
standing naked
before you