Musings and Writings

Musings and Writings

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The First Moon’s Call

Moon rises high overhead

And light from HER hand

spills down like droplets

of soft rain.


Stars sparkle in the

velvet of HER night

cloak and darkness

beckons to be held

in HER embrace.


All of earth moves

in the rise and fall

of Her breath and

the great waters

are quickened under

Her watchful eye.


I sit in the silence

of moonlit night

and weep at the

profound beauty

of Luna’s rise.


For in this moment

of moonlight’s grace

SHE and I are one.


Monday heralds the first of the Full Moons of the calendar year 2012.  It is a full moon in Cancer- the Moon being the planetary ruler of this astrological sign. Cancer is also a Cardinal sign- meaning that it’s energies are that of beginnings or first outpourings so that something more concrete may be attained. So, opportunities abound for healing, strengthening and fine tuning your emotional SELF.

As I sit on my porch gazing up at the moon, now almost Full, the magnetic pull is palpable and I am reminded of the deep waters that are held within me and how they are reflections of the moon’s tides. I am called to review and assess what the energies of this New Year will bring and how I may more fully embrace my intuitive and compassionate nature.  My birthday is also just a few weeks away, so this time of the year always brings out a more reflective side of me.  And, the time feels ripe for gathering up and drawing inward what needs to be nurtured in the months ahead.

What calls to you as the fullness of the Moon takes hold? And, what areas of your being will you allow HER Light to pull to the surface for a closer look?

Blessings of Moon Light’s Magick!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I stand in the last hours

before transition to the New Year

Images and recollections of all that

this old year has brought

flash before me and I feel the

hope that these things bring.


I stand at the mid time as

midnight rings in the new

Images and aspirations

of dreams to accomplish

and goals to achieve

light up the  night

sky as stars twinkle high above.



I stand in the sunlight of

the first day of a new year

and anticipation courses through me

like an electric flash of brilliance.

New journeys- new opportunities

the old and the new in harmonious

blend as I chart a new course

for this year.

May you all have a joyous and blessed Year of 2012. If you’d like to read more please take a look at my article at WitchVox: Our Inner Resolve